Om straling te ontlopen: verhuizen van Engeland naar de USA
donderdag, 14 februari 2013 - Categorie: Verhalen
Bron± BBC News 11 febr. 2013
Een verhaal met video van een vrouw die Engeland ontvlucht is om stralingsbelasting te ontlopen.
Mobile mast 'allergy' woman moved to US for better health
A Lincolnshire woman says moving to a remote town in the US has improved her health.
In Autumn, Silvia Wilson moved from her home in Horncastle to Green Bank in West Virginia, US, where radios and mobile phones are restricted.
Previously, Silvia said she would get headaches and sickness and claimed to be ''allergic'' to signals from a mobile phone mast near her home. She had also lined her home with tin foil.
The World Health Organisation said there is no scientific evidence that links Silvia's condition with electromagnetic waves. .
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