USA: Een waarschuwing van een elektro-overgevoelige Silcon Valley executive.

maandag, 23 juli 2012 - Categorie: Verhalen

Bron: The Microwave Factor 22juli 2012

A Cautionary Tale on Wireless from a Silicon Valley Exec

I'm a technology exec in Silicon Valley and became hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields in 2006. Since then I suffer head shocks, burning, rashes, sleep disturbances, memory loss, concentration issues, heart palpitations and more than 20 other symptoms from all forms of wireless technologies. A pain hits my head 5-15 seconds before a cell phone rings nearby. I can detect wireless networks by the sharp rodent-like biting across my scalp. I am affected by frequencies from power-line fields (60 hertz) and radio frequencies (300 kilohertz to 300 Gigahertz). I can consistently detect the relative size of the wave by the pain sensation in my head. I’ve had two neuropsychological exams, both were normal.

I’ve personally met more than two dozen people with the same symptoms. Almost everyone with this affliction either went to top universities, or has an advanced degree. Sampling; five PhD’s, three attorneys, three media execs, five technology execs, two doctors, a pharmacist, several real estate execs, a handful of educators. Only two have ever had any previous psychological or emotional issues. In Sweden, the case is stronger. Around and 285,000 (2.6% of the population) are registered with the Swedish government for this disability, which is called electric hypersensitivity (EHS). Britain recognized this disability in September 2006 and projects that about 3% of the UK population is affected.

632 studies link 51 bioeffects to low-level, radio-frequency signals (see for a complete listing). The 616 page BioInitiative Report ( released August 2007 by 14 international scientists, reviewed nearly 2000 studies and concluded a strong connection between electromagnetic fields and radio frequency (RF) signals to brain tumors, immune dysfunction, DNA damage, genetic aberrations, Leukemia, cancer, depression, suicide, ADD, Autism and Alzheimer’s.

You also might check out to see how everyday nagging symptoms like headaches, anxiety, sleep issues and joint pain, which we typically attribute to the stresses of modern-day lifestyles, may in fact be triggered by our increasingly wireless world. Since 1990, we can’t we sleep, we’re all ADD, our memory is gone, we’re depressed and in we’re all in pain. Why?

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