Two single blind experiences of unwell-being and sickness by radiofrequency radiation
zaterdag, 28 mei 2005 - Categorie: Verhalen
Two single blind experiences of unwell-being and sickness by radiofrequency radiation of wireless communication systems (hotspots, WIFI, UMTS (3G)-antennas).
Week February 21 to 25, 2005.
I had to work in the exhibition halls of the Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, The Netherlands. I have done exactly the same work for the same exhibition in 2003, without any well-being or health complaints. The circumstances were exactly the same: set up of the exhibition stand, materials, computers. I did not expect any problems. During the days I became very sick. In the night at home I had a lot of pain in muscles and head (my brain felt like 'radiating'). One night I vomited. In the halls I felt 'electric currents' in my fingers, dizzyness and painful legs. At the end of the day I could not read the signs at the railway station anymore. The next morning I could again. Only Friday afternoon I checked the halls and in each hall I found 4 antennas for mobile communication, about 5 metres above the public.
The first extension of ca. 70 Access Points will be realised in the Utrecht Jaarbeurs. From 1 april (2004) all the halls and the congress centre will have full wireless internet. All visitors with a laptop or PDA can use internet at a high speed then, acoording to a press release of KPN (a Dutch telephone company, also provider of wireless communication). Source:, January 16, 2004.
Apparently my experience is related to and even caused by the radiation of these antennas, since they are the only difference between now and two years ago. There may be co-factors, like UMTS (3G) antennas recently placed in the same area, some of them can be found in the antenna register. My health has been checked intensively in 2003/2004 and I do not have any medical or psychiatric disease or abnormality.
Tuesday May 24th, 2005.
I work in the congress centre Maasgebouw, the entrance building of the Rotterdam football stadium in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Again, I have done exactly the same work some years before (to visit and cover a conference, as a journalist), without any well-being or health complaints. This time I became severely sick, swollen belly, painful muscles and 'radiating' head, 'electric currents' in fingers and teeth. At the end of the conference I could not read the projections anymore. At the end of the morning I checked the vicinity and found many antennas attached to the lighting masts of the stadium. When I tried to send the article by laptop and cellphone, using bluetooth, the connection was disturbed. I hade to move elsewhere to send the article, successfully. When I stood behind a very fat man, in line to the closest mast, I had less pain. Apparently he absorbed part of the radiation.
According to a press release the Rotterdam Feyenoord Stadium offers wireless internet as the first stadium in Europe. The service is offered to all the visitors of the congress centre, Brasserie de Cuyperij and the business units. WinQ has realised the service. Source:, September 30, 2003.
The same comment as before. Probably UMTS (3G)-antennas are there too, as far as I can recognize them, though they are not yet in the antenna register.
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