Dramatisch ervaringsverhaal van een boer uit Ierland
vrijdag, 17 april 2009 - Categorie: Verhalen
Bron: Indymedia Ireland 4 april 2009
In het krantenartikel wordt verslag gedaan van een bijeenkomst in Leixlip waar verschillende slachtoffers van zendmasten hun verhaal deden. Onderstaand het relaas van John Ryan, een boer die toestond dat er op zijn land een mast geplaatst werd:
There were also several guest speakers at the meeting from around the country who told their own stories of exposure to microwaves from masts, including a Tipperary Farmer, John Ryan.
Mr Ryan had allowed Vodafone to place a mast on
his farm in 2003 and immediately he felt the side effects, becoming shaky and unable to sleep.
''I asked them to take it down but they wouldn't,'' he said.
''They told me commercial interest was more important to them than my health.''
He also began to collapse on a regular basis but after spending time in hospital away from the farm he would make a full recovery each time and as soon as he would return to the farm he would collapse again.
His grandson was also severely affected by the mast and would become agitated and get nose bleeds that would last up to two hours.
''If you have a problem like this there's no-one to go to,'' added Mr Ryan.
''I went to everyone, all of the Ministers and Deputy Durkan even came to the farm but all he told us was to stop looking at the mast.''
The mast was removed in 2007 but the effects are still being felt. While the mast was there Mr Ryan's cattle, which were regarded as the best breeders, began to produce malformed calves, and since the mas I was removed he has been told that the DNA of the cattle has changed, meaning that the cows are not carrying
the calves to full term.
''All they'll tell you is that they're working to the World Health Organisation's guidelines,'' he explained.
And this is exactly what Colin Cunningham from Vilicom, the company responsible for the mast at the garda station, told the meeting.
Voor het originele artikel met ook andere getuigenverklaringen zie:,+Leixlip,+Ireland,+April+4+2009.&cd=3&hl=nl&ct=clnk&gl=nl .
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