Engeland: Bizarre overgevoeligheid voor electromagnetische velden.
dinsdag, 10 maart 2009 - Categorie: Verhalen
Bron: exeter.co.uk 9 maart
Een verslag uit Exeter van een Engelse dame, Wendy Boland, die 3 jaar geleden overgevoelig is geworden voor elektromagnetische velden. Het beschrijft de hel waar mensen met electro-hypersensitivity moeten leven in deze moderne draadloze maatschappij:
Wendy is allergic to electrical gadgets of the modern world
WENDY Boland, from Dawlish, went to her doctor afraid that she had become allergic to her television.
Her problems started three years ago when using a cordless phone gave her earache. This developed into migraines, numbness and loss of balance. The symptoms diminished when she stopped using the phone.
She had internal bleeding and it was thought she might have stomach cancer. She got sores and rashes all over her body.
She started burning when watching television. ''It's like the worst sunburn,'' said Wendy, 69, who uses a pencil with a rubber on the end to push buttons on the remote control.
''I sit as far away as I can and pad up with cushions and towels to try to stop the buzzing, but I can only watch it in short spurts. Sometimes it's so frustrating because I have to miss the end of a film.''
Doctors couldn't explain it and Wendy began to think she was mad, but then someone told her about electrosensitivity, and she discovered there are at least 3,000 people in this country who get similar problems when exposed to electromagnetic fields.
Radiation from computers, wi-fi networks, mobile phones, power cables and transmitting aerials also triggers symptoms, which differ from one sufferer to the next, and also vary in severity from day to day.
Electrosensitivity is not officially recognised in this country. Wendy's doctor, however, is very supportive.
''I need an operation on my feet but I can't have surgery because the theatre lights burn me,'' said Wendy, who cannot go into some shops for the same reason. ''I have to sit in the dark and I use a flashlight if I have to. I miss reading so much.''
She loves music but she can't be in the same room as her CD player as it makes her buzz.
The thing Wendy misses most is going on holiday. She can no longer travel, except for short distances by bus. Even then, it is unbearable if too many people have gadgets such as mobile phones and MP3 players.
''I know who's got a mobile phone when they get on,'' said Wendy. ''I buzz all over and cough as it's like a vapour. I get dreadful stomach ache.
''I have to ask people to turn them off and sometimes people just laugh at me.''
Some people with electrosensitivity have relocated, but Wendy does not want to move.
''I came here 10 years ago and it was going to be my last home,'' she said. ''I don't want to be forced out. Anyway, in the end there will be nowhere to run.''
She loves her home, despite being unable to sleep in the bedroom since becoming electrosensitive. ''I get terrible pain like I'm in the ring with Mike Tyson,'' said Wendy. ''A couple of guys have been round with radiation meters which went absolutely mad, especially in spots I'd been having most trouble.''
Fellow sufferers have been in touch and suggested remedies, but the condition affects everyone differently and Wendy has not yet found one that works for her.
She has tried carrying a crystal in her pocket, wrapping herself in foil, sleeping on an earthing blanket and all sorts of lamps. She has changed her carpet to one made of natural fibres, which has helped to a degree.
''It's a nightmare we have to get on with every day and do the best we can,'' said Wendy. ''I don't think I'll survive the digital switchover as the signals will be much stronger. I know there's no going back but I wish people could be more understanding.''
Voor het origineel zie:
www.thisisexeter.co.uk/features/Wendy-allergic-electrical-gadgets-modern-world/article-755090-detail/article.html .
Voor een soortgelijk bizar ervaringsverhaal uit de USA van een vrouw die totaal overgevoelig geworden is voor elektromagnetische velden nadat ik haar omgeving een zendmast voor mobiele telefonie geplaatst werd zie:
documents.scribd.com/docs/t4g7cokwkad0fvbwde.pdf .
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