Ingezonden brief in The Economist.

donderdag, 23 oktober 2008 - Categorie: Verhalen

Bron: The Economist, 25 september 2008

Op een uitstekend artikel in The Economist met de titel ''Mobile Madness'' volgden veel reacties van hoge kwaliteit waaronder dit ervaringsverhaal:

Im an electrosensitive law student from leeds. Go onto . for any info about how microwave radiation is pretty flipping dangerouse. I used to love using my phone for years, set up wi fi in my home and had 4 digital family phones. The only thing I knew of microwaves were they were used to cook food, but was made so ill, passing out, having nose bleeds, insomnia, headaches, heart palpertations, dizzeness etc, I was someone who would have taken the mickey out of someone claiming any such thing but only becoming affected do i realise that because of the amount of money involved it will always be tried to be covered up for as long as possible, My law tutor was apersonal injury lawyer with a top london firm wgo tells me they still try to argue that the reason someone has been coughing up blood is due to lack of exercise and not the years and years they endured of breathing in asbestos. I am made so ill by pulsating microwave radiation that i can go weeks sleeping fine, but one night I will get no sleep, am made violently sick, shake, have heart palpertaions, nosebleeds etc then the next day one of my neighbours will tell me that he forget to turn off his wi fi router that noght, hats not a coniecedence. I know that there are a lot of aguments on both sides , and i would have probably never beleived in this if i hadnt been personally affected, but we were not designed to be cooked by microwaves at any level.

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