Licht- en stralingsgevoeligheid; een ervaringsverhaal

maandag, 27 november 2017 - Categorie: Verhalen

Bron: e-mail van Olle Johansson
27 nov. 2017

Dear All on my mailing list,

Last week I watched a very interesting TV interview with the former WHO head and former prime minister of Norway, med. dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, who described her increasing sensitivity to sunlight (=polymorphous light eruption; solar eczema; see a recent article (in Norwegian): She nowadays has to stay indoors behind shielding cloth to avoid direct sunlight, As you know, she has previously come forward describing her electrohypersensitivity which erupted while she was at the World Health Organization, ironically at the same time when Michael Repacholi was calling the shots at the WHO regarding possible health effects of EMFs.

She described how she can not leave her home during daytime hours, how she stays behind Venetian blinds, and how she must wear a sombrero-type hat and sunglasses if she must go outside, something she rather does when the sun has set.

I have, as you may remember, studied such heavily light sensitive electrohypersensitive persons, I will actually meet such a man next week here in Sweden, and I have also written a case report about a woman who for quite some time had to live like Gro Harlem Brundtland (see: Johansson O, Liu P-Y, Enhamre A, Wetterberg L, ''A case of extreme and general cutaneous light sensitivity in combination with so-called 'screen dermatitis' and 'electrosensitivity' - a successful rehabilitation after vitamin A treatment - a case report'', J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 1999; 18: 13-16). In her case, this woman even had to live for months in near-complete darkness. (Performing light microscopy and protein S-100 immunohistochemistry, we found that she had completely lost her protective melanocyte layer in the skin, making her, of course, completely 'naked' to any electromagnetic signals, such as ordinary sunlight, wireless signals, etc.)

Already then, in 1998 and 1999, I was stuck and horrified by a thought for the future: Just imagine if the on-going colossal exposure of all living organisms to artificial electromagnetic fields could result in an increasing number of electrohypersensitive individuals having their outermost radiation shield, the pigment-producing cells of the skin, destroyed making the skin so sensitive to ordinary sunlight (and reflected, white, light bulb light) so that we no more can live outdoors, in the daylight, but we have to - like Jules Verne's ''Morlocks'' (from his 1895 novel The Time Machine) - constantly stay underground, in the darkness...and without any EMF-based gadgets, of course. (Most likely, the only 'weapon' needed to torment and kill such a person will be an ordinary torch.)

If Gro Harlem Brundtland, and other similar cases, are not regarded now as extremely important warning signals, then mankind may have to sadly conclude in the future: ''Why did we not listen to them?''.

With my very best regards
Yours sincerely

(Olle Johansson, associate professor)

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