Ervaringsverhaal uit Hawai

zondag, 06 november 2016 - Categorie: Verhalen

Posted by Sabine El Gemayel (Creator)

Komt uit in de documentaire ''Zapped''

PLEASE READ the following story from fellow Generation Zapped backer, Ron Schranz. It explain brilliantly exactly why this movie needs to be made:

MY experience with ZAPPED !!!

11/02/2016 Ron Schranz Maui Hawaii

My name is Ron & 11 years ago I moved from the mountains to the city. I did not know at the time I purchased my home that it was surrounded by cell towers & transmitters.

There are 62 transmitters within 1/2 mile of my home.

One night while sleeping in my bed I awoke at 3 am with an immense burning headache. I found my pillow soaking wet and my head burning up like a piece of meat out of the micro wave oven. It had been barely 1 year since I moved into this house and now I was so saturated with microwaves that I get constant ticking in my ears, get excruciating eye pains and really really BAD headaches daily.

My home is now Unlivable. I have gone thru many months of brain fog, uncontrollable anger & frustration. I could not work or function with these debilitating headaches. EMF destroys your abilities to think and messes up all your brain patterns. I was not even able to remember my own phone #. I lost almost 1 year of my life trying to become function able again. I could not work in my home office, sleep in my bedroom, eat at my dinning table or even watch TV in my living room. My entire house was constantly bombarded with microwave transmissions 24/7. I had constant headaches, eye aches, ear pains and lived on pain pills most of that year.

I had done lots of research after my head became some what clearer and found ways to mitigate some of the effects. I spent thousand of dollars shielding my room and windows. It was some help but it could not totally stop the penetration from all these towers nearby. I flew to North Carolina to attend an EMF biology course to further my studies and become a home biologist in hopes of saving my brain and my body from all this pollution. I was fried to death on the plane by the in flight wifi and ended up in the hospital for 4 hours when I landed trying to get me back to stable.

Its a never ending task and it gets worse daily. Now most of my neighbors are using High powered WiFi and this too is invading my home. Recently the electric company has been sneaking in digital meters (Smart meters) on any home that installs solar. I am now totally surrounded by smart meter transmitters that burp ever 60 seconds 24/7. Some times they burp micro wave transmissions for 10 second duration, 20 second and even 60 second duration EVER minute daily. They plan to do the ENTIRE city next. I have spent $850 putting 6 shields on my good neighbors homes but it has not been enough to allow me to live in my home. This is CRIMINAL TRESPASSING and my home is totally unlivable. I am being FRIED to death and can spend very little time in my home now.

I have tried to talk to people about not putting cell phones to their heads but they all are in denial and like their phones too much to even consider that they ARE dangerous.

Children are the most at risk with their soft skulls. Did you know that that Xbox on your child's shelf next to their beds is a transmitter that emits 24/7 even when turned off ?? That wifi that you have in your home is also on 24/7 radiating your whole family and ME down the street into my home. You will become saturated like me hopefully in time to stop the damage. Google Jimmy Gonzales attorney from Miami who used a cell phone for only 10 years then died from cancer in his hand, in his brain and in his chest where he parked that cell phone in his pocket. YES he died at the young age of 36 leaving a wife and 2 little children behind.

So if you think it is not hurting you because you do not feel it yet go ahead and wait until it is too late for you too. I have no choice but to abandon my home and seek refuge far away from all this modern technology before it is too late for me too. I am limited in funds so it is going to be some task to find a safe place to live and by giving up my whole life's business, activities, friends and family etc etc. It may even be impossible to find a place FREE of all this EMF.

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