Pandora Stichting doet oproep aan Europese burgers om onderzoek Hardell te steunen.

vrijdag, 14 oktober 2011 - Categorie: Oproepen

Aug. 2011 updated naar 14 okt. 2011

De Pandora stichting is opgericht om onafhankelijk onderzoek te steunen en daardoor invloed van een belanghebbende industrie uit te sluiten. Het bestuur van de stichting, bestaande uit de hoogleraren Adlkofer, Kundi en Richter, wenden zich met een speciaal verzoek tot het Europese publiek.

De internationale erkende epidemioloog prof. Lennart Hardell ziet vervolgonderzoek van zijn studie naar het verband tussen hersenkanker en mobiele technologie gedwarsboomd doordat zijn aanvragen voor onderzoeksgeld niet meer gehonoreerd worden na zijn opzienbarende ontdekkingen uit eerder onderzoek, ook niet door de Zweedse overheid. Daarom heeft Hardell zich nu tot de Pandora stichting gewend om belangrijke data uit de laatste jaren te kunnen analyseren.

De redactie van Stopumts verzoekt haar lezers naar mogelijkheid bij te dragen aan deze oproep:

The Pandora Foundation asks for donations to evaluate the carcinogenic risk of mobile phone radiation with new epidemiological data.

Grant application by Prof. Lennart Hardell, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden:

On May 31, 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the WHO
published the outcome of a vote by a group of 30 scientists from 14 countries who after a thorough discussion had come to the conclusion that high-frequency radiation is ''possibly carcinogenic'' to humans. As one of the participants, Lennart Hardell from the
Department of Oncology at the University Hospital in Orebro, Sweden, contributed with
his epidemiologic research data essentially to this conclusion.

Because of the short period of time that elapsed from the introduction of the new communication technology till the completion of his studies, these data are still burdened with a high uncertainty. Lennart Hardell’s grant application (see attachment) shows that in the meantime additional data from Swedish men and women are available diagnosed with a brain tumour between 2007 and 2009. These data are of utmost importance for health policies, because the longer the period of mobile phone use the more reliable is the risk assessment.

For months now Lennart Hardell tried to raise the funds necessary for the scientific
evaluation of his data, but without any success. IARC's classification is more or less seen as an unjustified impertinence by the industry. Therefore, there is obviously no interest to further substantiate the voiced suspicion of a brain tumour risk through high frequency radiation. Due to its economic implication the classification in the next higher category “probably carcinogenic” should obviously be avoided by all means. This is the only reason why a support of Lennart Hardell's important research work is refused by industry and government.

Further information on the heavily biased funding in this area of research can be looked up in the reports published by the Competence Initiative and the Pandora Foundation.
In his application to the Pandora Foundation (see attachement), Lennart Hardell indicates
costs of about 51.000 Euro for his research project. Because of the refusal of industrial
and governmental organizations to support independent research, the Pandora
Foundation appeals to the European citizen to raise the necessary funds in an initiative of their own. From the donations, either small or big, made to the Pandora Foundation and addressed to Lennart Hardell's research project his team will receive 100 percent.

The Board of the Pandora Foundation:
Franz Adlkofer, Michael Kundi, Karl Richter .

Donation receipt
According to Article 10 of the German Income Tax Act the Foundation is entitled to issue
tax-deductible receipts for donations supporting its scientific purposes.

Pandora – Stiftung
Deutsche Bank Berlin
Konto 4 26 16 99 00
BLZ 100 700 00

Pandora – Stiftung
Deutsche Bank Berlin
IBAN: DE18100700000426169900

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