Effect of Short-Term GSM Radiation on ants

vrijdag, 27 juni 2014 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Bron: connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/96210370/effect-short-term-gsm-radiation-representative-levels-society-biological-model-ant-myrmica-sabuleti .
juli 2014

Effect of Short-Term GSM Radiation at Representative Levels in Society on a Biological Model: The Ant Myrmica sabuleti

Cammaerts, Marie-Claire; Vandenbosch, Guy; Volski, Vladimir

Journal of Insect Behavior; Jul 2014, Vol. 27 Issue 4, p514

Well-controlled electromagnetic exposure conditions were set up at a representative societal GSM radiation intensity level, 1.5 V/m, which is the legally allowed level in Brussels. Two nests of the ant species Myrmica sabuleti were repeatedly irradiated during 10 min. before their behavior was observed, based on the analysis of the ant trajectories. Under these exposure conditions, behavioral effects were detected. The ants' locomotion slightly changed. The ants' orientation towards their attractive alarm pheromone statistically became of lower quality. The ants still presented their trail following behavior but less efficiently. In this controversial issue, ants could be considered as possible bioindicators.

Voor de video over dit onderwerp zie:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz7AiLM7tt0&list=UUPbV3FvjetE7JzvwahFVGzA .

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