Hypothesis on how to measure electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

dinsdag, 19 november 2013 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Bron: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23301924 .
sept. 2013

Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Sep;32(3):281-90. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2012.712586. Epub 2013 Jan 9.

Hypothesis on how to measure electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

Tuengler A, von Klitzing L.

Institute of History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine, and Human Technology Centre (HumTec), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is an ill-defined term to describe the fact that people who experience health symptoms in the vicinity of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) regard them as causal for their complaints. Up to now most scientists assume a psychological cause for the suffering of electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals. This paper addresses reasons why most provocation studies could not find any association between EMF exposure and EHS and presents a hypothesis on diagnosis and differentiation of this condition. Simultaneous recordings of heart rate variability, microcirculation and electric skin potentials are used for classification of EHS. Thus, it could be possible to distinguish ''genuine'' electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals from those who suffer from other conditions.

PMID: 23301924 (PubMed - in process)

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