Brazilie: kanker nabij zendmasten; Belo Horizonte
donderdag, 14 maart 2013 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
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28 febr. 2013
Een deel van het langere artikel op bovenstaande website:
Scientific studies reveal that phone masts cause cancer
Neoplasm mortality statistics
Belo Horizonte with 2.5 million inhabitants, is the third largest city in Brazil, has the best health system nationwide, the best education in the country with a standard of living well above the national average. According to the UN, is the metropolis with the best quality of life in Latin America. However, it has the highest incidence of cancer nationally, which is difficult to explain. Belo Horizonte has the highest concentration of cellular base stations in the country. The natural question was whether there is any correspondence. In evaluating mortality statistics neoplasia, as measured by the distance of a cell tower microwave to the residence of the deceased, the following results were obtained:
At 100 meters from the nearest cell 3.569 deaths
At 200 meters 1.408 deaths
At 300 meters 973 deaths
At 400 meters 482 deaths
At 500 meters 292 deaths
Beyond 1,000 meters 147 deaths
Of the total of dead people with cancer, 81.37% occurred within 500 meters away from the antenna, indicating a highly significant correlation. In 2008, Lima had 1.414 mobile phone base stations, while the rest of the country had 1.358, with a total of 2.772 nationwide basis.
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