Canada: Invloed en werkingsmechanismen van zwakke magnetische velden op (kanker)cellen

vrijdag, 28 september 2012 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

De onderzoeksresultaten van Ying Li en Paul Heroux lijken een knuppel in een hoenderhok te gooien. Ze krijgen hun rapport niet gepubliceerd en onze collega's van Microwave News analyseren het hoe en waarom in
'A Unified Theory of Weak Magnetic Field Action
McGill University Professor Proposes Radical New Outlook' : .

De onderzoekers hebben hun resultaten gepubliceerd in een open wetenschappelijk archief beheerd door de Cornell Universiteit.

Bron: Cornell University Library - arXiv

Extra-Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields alter Cancer Cells through Metabolic Restriction
Ying Li, Paul Heroux
(Submitted on 21 Sep 2012)

Background: Biological effects of extra-low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) have lacked a credible mechanism of interaction between MFs and living material. Objectives: Examine the effect of ELF-MFs on cancer cells. Methods: Five cancer cell lines were exposed to ELF-MFs within the range of 0.025 to 5 microT, and the cells were examined for karyotype changes after 6 days. Results: All cancer cells lines lost chromosomes from MF exposure, with a mostly flat dose-response. Constant MF exposures for three weeks allow a rising return to the baseline, unperturbed karyotypes. From this point, small MF increases or decreases are again capable of inducing karyotype contractions. Our data suggests that the karyotype contractions are caused by MF interference with mitochondria's ATP synthase (ATPS), compensated by the action of AMP-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK). The effects of MFs are similar to those of the ATPS inhibitor oligomycin. They are amplified by metformin, an AMPK stimulator, and attenuated by resistin, an AMPK inhibitor. Over environmental MFs, karyotype contractions of various cancer cell lines show exceptionally wide and flat dose-responses, except for those of erythro-leukemia cells, which display a progressive rise from 0.025 to 0.4 microT. Conclusions: The biological effects of MFs are connected to an alteration in the structure of water that impedes the flux of protons in ATPS channels. These results may be environmentally important, in view of the central roles played in human physiology by ATPS and AMPK, particularly in their links to diabetes, cancer and longevity.

Comments: A new mechanism of interaction between power frequency magnetic fields and living systems. It involves alterations in the structure of water, and changes in the function of the enzyme ATP Synthase. ATP Synthase efficiency is altered by perturbation in proton flow through its hydrophilic nano-channels

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