Hongarije: Verhoogde gevoeligheid voor EMV aangetoond, toch psychogenetisch van aard.
maandag, 06 augustus 2012 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Opm. Stopumts: Zoals al vaker opgemerkt zijn provocatiestudies gebaseerd op de mogelijkheid elektromagnetische velden te detecteren door de misleidende onderzoeksopzet alleen in het belang van de telecomindustrie en van nul en generlei waarde. De mogelijkheid om een stof te detecteren zegt niets over de schadelijkheid van een stof. Als dat verband er wel zou zijn zouden er wel minder slachtoffers van koolmonoxide en asbest te betreuren zijn. Ook radioactiviteit is niet te detecteren, al hang je met je hoofd in de kernreactor.
Terwijl uit dit Hongaarse onderzoek blijkt dat er wel degelijk proefpersonen extra gevoelig zijn voor elektromagnetische velden kunnen de vooringenomen onderzoekers het toch niet nalaten psychogenetische factoren als oorzaak te vermelden:
Bron: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2012 Jun 12.
Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) and electrosensibility (ES) - Are they connected?
Köteles F, Szemerszky R, Gubányi M, Körmendi J, Szekrényesi C, Lloyd R, Molnár L, Drozdovszky O, Bárdos G.
Institute for Health Promotion and Sport Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
The tendency of experiencing unpleasant symptoms in the proximity of working electric devices is called idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF). Evidence about psychophysiological backgrounds of the phenomenon (i.e., detection ability and mechanisms of symptom generation) is not yet conclusive.
Participants of the provocation experiment were 29 individuals with self-reported IEI-EMF and 42 control persons. Participants completed questionnaires (symptom expectations, somatosensory amplification - SSAS, modern health worries radiation subscale - MHW-R), and attempted to detect the presence of 50Hz 0.5mT magnetic field (MF) directed to their right arm in 20 subsequent 1-min sessions. Heart rate was also recorded and various indices of heart rate variability (HF, LF/HF, SDNN) were calculated.
Using the methodology of the signal detection theory, individuals with IEI-EMF as opposed to the control group showed a higher than random detection performance (d' differed slightly but statistically significantly from zero), and they used a significantly lower criterion (β value) when deciding about the presence of the MF. Detection sessions followed by correct decisions (hits or correct rejections) were characterized by higher HRV (SDNN and HF indices) than periods followed by errors (misses or false alarms). Previous expectations and affiliation to the IEI-EMF group were significant predictors of symptoms reported following exposure. IEI-EMF was closely related to MHW-R and SSAS scores.
Detection of MF might be possible for people with IEI-EMF to some extent. Although heightened sensibility to MFs may play a role in the development and/or in the perpetuance of the IEI-EMF phenomenon, symptoms attributed to the MF seem to be mainly of psychogenic origin.
Voor het originele abstract zie:
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22698789?dopt=Abstract .
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