Langdurige blootstelling aan straling lager dan de ICNIRP normen geeft effecten

woensdag, 28 september 2005 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Med Pr. 2003;54(3):291-7. Related Articles, Links

Biological effects and health risks of electromagnetic fields at levels classified by INCRIP ans admissible among occupationally exposed workers: a study of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz

Samenvatting Nederlands
Dit onderzoek geeft aan dat straling met een intensiteit lager dan de limieten opgesteld door de ICNIRP (wereldwijde standaard) toch gezondheidseffecten geven. Daarbij is de blootstellingsduur van groot belang. De ICNIRP norm houdt geen enkele rekening met blootstellingsduur en stelt dat de gegeven limiet geldt voor 24 uurs blootstelling voor de gehele bevolking. De Gezondheidsraad heeft die norm overgenomen.

Article in Polish

Bortkiewicz A, Gadzicka E, Zmyslony M.

Zakladu Fizjologii Pracy i Ergonomii, Instytutu Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera w Lodzi.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the workers' circulatory system, and to find out to what extent the EMF frequency, short-term (maximum values) and chronic (daily and lifetime doses) exposures influence the type of the observed disorders. The gathered data will help to evaluate whether hygiene standards that limit maximum admissible EMF values (e.g., ICNIRP standards) protect against adverse effects of exposure. The study covered workers employed in transformer and distribution stations, medium wave transmitting stations, radio-service and radio and TV multichannel broadcasting stations. In all the cases, exposure levels were considerably lower than those set as admissible according to the ICNIRP standards. Nevertheless changes in the circulatory system and a significant relationship between blood pressure and neurovegetative regulation disorders and exposure parameters were observed. The frequency of changes in the circulatory system was significantly dependent not only on the maximum EMF value, but also on its dose, which indicates that the hygiene standards for EMF cannot be limited only to short-term exposure maximum values, but they should be supplemented with dose-related standards.

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