Nederland: Lid Cie. EMV van de Gezondheidsraad pleit voor aanscherping ICNIRP normen.

vrijdag, 22 juli 2011 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Onderstaande studie is opmerkelijk om twee redenen. Ten eerste omdat medeauteur prof. Gerard van Rhoon. lid van de Commissie EMV van de Nederlandse Gezondheidsraad, tot de conclusie komt dat de ICNIRP normen (die uitsluitend op temperatuurverhoging gebaseerd zijn**) onvoldoende rekening houden met de tijdsduur van de bestraling; deze dient men volgens de auteurs in toekomstige richtlijnen mee te nemen. Bravo!
Maar bovendien blijkt uit deze studie maar weer eens dat men nog steeds geen rekening houdt met de biologische effecten van elektromagnetische straling, ver onder de huidige ICNIRP normen:

Physics in Medicine and Biology Epubl 19 juli 2011 in print 7 aug. 2011 ;56(15):4967-89.

Children and adults exposed to electromagnetic fields at the ICNIRP reference levels: theoretical assessment of the induced peak temperature increase.

Bakker JF, Paulides MM, Neufeld E, Christ A, Kuster N, van Rhoon GC.

Erasmus MC-Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center, Department of Radiation Oncology, Section Hyperthermia,
PO Box 5201, NL-3008 AE, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

To avoid potentially adverse health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has defined EMF reference levels. Restrictions on induced whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR(wb)) are provided to keep the whole-body temperature increase (T(body, incr)) under 1 degree C during 30 min. Additional restrictions on the peak 10 g spatial-averaged SAR (SAR(10g)) are provided to prevent excessive localized tissue heating.

The objective of this study is to assess the localized peak temperature increase (T(incr, max)) in children upon exposure at the reference levels. Finite-difference time-domain modeling was used to calculate T(incr, max) in six children and two adults exposed to orthogonal plane-wave configurations.

We performed a sensitivity study and Monte Carlo analysis to assess the uncertainty of the results. Considering the uncertainties in the model parameters, we found that a peak temperature increase as high as 1 degree C can occur for worst-case scenarios at the ICNIRP reference levels. Since the guidelines are deduced from temperature increase, we used T(incr, max) as being a better metric to prevent excessive localized tissue heating instead of localized peak SAR.

However, we note that the exposure time should also be considered in future guidelines. Hence, we advise defining limits on T(incr, max) for specified durations of exposure.

Voor het originele abstract zie: .

**Opm. Stopumts:
De ICNIRP normen houden ook geen rekening met kinderen, ouden van dagen, mensen met een zwak immuunsysteem en dragers van implantaten zoals amalgaamvullingen.

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