India: Bestraling ratten met GSM leidt tot onvruchtbaarheid.
zondag, 13 maart 2011 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Gerelateerd bericht met doorverwijzingen:
Bron: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2010 Oct; 48(10):987-92.
Mobile phone usage and male infertility in Wistar rats.
Kesari KK, Kumar S, Behari J.
Bioelectromagnetic Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110 067, India.
A significant decrease in protein kinase C and total sperm count along with increased apoptosis were observed in male Wistar rats exposed to mobile phone frequencies (2 h/day x 35 days at 0.9 W/kg specific absorption rate).
The results suggest that a reduction in protein kinase activity may be related to overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under microwave field exposure.
Decrease in sperm count and an increase in apoptosis may be causative factor due to mobile radiation exposure leading to infertility.
PMID: 21299041
Voor het originele abstract zie: .
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