Het risico van hersentumoren bij draadloze telefonie. Samenvattend artikel in Journal Tomography.
vrijdag, 31 december 2010 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Bron: Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, Nov/Dec 2010 - Volume 34 - Issue 6 - pp 799-807
Risk of Brain Tumors From Wireless Phone Use
Dubey, Rash Bihari MTech*; Hanmandlu, Madasu PhD†; Gupta, Suresh Kumar PhD‡
Excerpt uit de conclusie:
People should be very restrictive with using mobile phones, as there is a significant body of compelling scientific evidence indicating serious hazards from their use. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the use to very few and brief calls. People younger than 20 years should have mobile phones that allow short message service messages only, but no talking, because the risks are far higher in young people. Moreover, it has been repeatedly confirmed that the radiation from base stations is harmful to health.
The existing ICNIRP and FCC exposure limits are based on a false premise that only thermal effects cause harm.
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