Rusland: 40 jaar oude studie over de invloed van microwavestraling op mens en dier.

dinsdag, 02 november 2010 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Russian Translation Microwave Radiation influence on Man and Animals (1970)

Bron: 1 nov. 2010

Petrov, I.R. (Ed). 1970. Influence of Microwave Radiation on the
Organism of Man and Animals. Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR,

Translation of Vliyaniye SVCh-Izlucheniya na Organizm Cheloveka i
Zhivotnykh. II Meditsina Press, Leningrad, 1970, NATIONAL

(For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151

The book deals with problems of the effect of the microwave
field on the organism, which are becoming more pressing with each
passing year, since the power outputs of microwave generators are
being increased and more and more persons are being exposed to this

The monograph consists of three parts. The Introduction deals
with the biological bases of the action of microwave electromagnetic
radiation on the organism.

Parts I and II set forth experimental material on the influence of high and low microwave intensities on the animal organism, characterizing the functional changes of the
organism's basic systems and its metabolism. Also considered is the
question of damage due to microwaves combined with other factors and
changes in the organism's immunological reactivity, the properties
of bacteria, viruses, and simple animals.

Part III of the book is devoted to the influence of microwaves on the human organism and sets forth data acquired as a result of observations on volunteers as to
the influence of low microwave intensities on the healthy human
organism; it sets forth the symptomatology, stages, reversibility of
changes, and a classification for the pathological processes that
arise under the influence of microwaves in persons working with
microwave generators.

The book examines problems in the etiology and
pathogenesis of sequelae to exposure to microwave radiation,
characterizing the significance of microwaves and factors operating
concurrently with them in the appearance of pathological changes, and
indicating the basic pathogenic mechanisms of the pathological changes
that arise under the influence of microwaves. It also presents
material characterizing the application of microwaves to treat

The last chapter is devoted to protection from and
prevention of detrimental effects of microwaves on the human organism.
It cites the maximum permissible microwave radiation levels,
characterizes means for individual and collective protection from the
harmful effects of microwaves, and presents experimental material on
the use of drugs to prevent detrimental after effects of microwave

The Conclusion sets forth concisely the basic premises of
the problem of microwave effects on the organism as reflected in the
monograph and takes note of problems that require further study.

The book contains 24 illustrations, 36 tables, and a bibliography of 521

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