UMTS beinvloedt menselijke lymfocieten sterker dan GSM straling
zaterdag, 06 augustus 2005 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Effects of GSM and UMTS microwaves on human lymphocyte from normal and hypersensitive persons.
Belyaev, I., E. Markova, et al. (2004). Effects of GSM and UMTS microwaves on human lymphocyte from normal and hypersensitive persons. International conference Mobile communication and health: medical, biological and social problems. Moscow, Russia
In 2002 en 2004 hebben deze onderzoekers reeds aangetoond dat enkele en dubbel DNA breuken, chromatin conformation en bepaalde eiwitten in menselijke witte bloedlichamen (lymfocieten) beinvloed worden door hoogfrequente straling van GSM telefoons. Hieruit bleek dat de schade wordt veroorzaakt door de hoogfrequente microgolven onder specifieke condities van blootstelling afhankelijk van de frequentie van de draaggolf.
De onderzoekers veronderstellen dat breedbandige signalen (van umts/gsm zendmasten etc) veel meer potentie hebben tot schadelijke biologische effecten dan monochromatische microgolfsignalen omdat er meer effectieve ''frequency windows'' zijn, tussen de 1 en 10 MHz.
UMTS gebruikt geen monochromatisch draaggolfsignaal, maar straalt op een van de verschillende mogelijke frequentie banden, waardoor er dus meerdere potentiele frequency windows ontstaan.
In dit onderzoek wordt aangetoond dat UMTS straling een sterkere invloed heeft op de lymfocieten dan GSM straling.
De resultaten tonen aan dat UMTS microgolven significante stress reacties veroorzaken en/of DNA schade in menselijke lymfocieten (witte bloedcellen) in zowel normale als gevoelige personen. Zelfs 72 uur na blootstelling was het effect nog duidelijk en significant aanwezig.
We hebben de frequentie-afhankelijke effecten van GSM straling nogmaals bevestigd, zie de vorige onderzoeken.
Tevens concluderen we dat UMTS microgolven significante en stabiele biochemische responsen geeft in menselijke lymfocieten. Of deze effecten resulteren in cytotoxische en mutagenische effecten wordt onderzocht.
De testresultaten bevestigen onze veronderstelling dat UMTS straling sterkere biologische effecten en gezondheidsrisico's geeft vergeleken met GSM. Dit komt zeer waarschijnlijk door het type signaal dat bij UMTS gebruikt wordt.
Zie ook de presentatie op .
We have recently described the effects of mobile phone microwaves (MWs) of Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) on chromatin conformation and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) co-localizing proteins 53BP1/g-H2AX in normal and transformed human lymphocytes (Belyaev et al., 2002a; Sarimov et al., 2004). These data have shown that stress response or/and DNA damage is induced by MWs under specific conditions of exposure dependent on carrier frequency. According to our prediction as based on analysis of frequency dependent responses to electromagnetic fields, MWs representing wide-band signal within the frequency range of 200-2000 MHz may result in higher biological effects as compared to monochromatic MW signal because of eventual ''effective'' frequency windows, presumably around 1-10 MHz (Belyaev & Persson, 2002b). Contrary to GSM, UMTS (Universal Global Telecommunications System) MW signal that is used in mobile phones of the 3rd generation does not employ monochromatic carrier frequency. Instead, UMTS mobile phones irradiate signal at one from several possible frequency bands. Here, we report that UMTS MWs affect human lymphocytes stronger or in the same way as GSM MWs. Lymphocytes from 10 persons, 5 persons reporting hypersensitivity (Hillert et al., 1999) and 5 matched healthy persons, were exposed to GSM (905 MHz and 915 MHz) and UMTS (1947.4 MHz, middle channel), output power being the same, 0.25 W. Exposure of cells to MWs were performed using installations based on transverse electromagnetic line cells and test mobile phones. Chromatin condensation indicative of stress response and genotoxic effects and DNA double strand break (DSB) co-localizing 53BP1 and g-H2AX foci were analysed using method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (Belyaev et al., 1999) and laser confocal microscopy (Markova et al., 2004) immediately, 24 h and 72 h following 1 h exposure. The data have shown that UMTS MWs induce significant stress response or/and DNA damage in human lymphocytes both from normal and hypersensitive subjects. Remarkably, the effects of MWs on 53BP1/g-H2AX foci persisted up to 72 h following exposure of cells. In conclusion, we have confirmed our previous observations regarding frequency-dependent GSM effects and report for the first time that UMTS MWs induce significant and rather stable biochemical responses in human lymphocytes. Whether these responses to MWs result in cytotoxic and mutagenic effects is being investigated. The data confirmed our prediction that, because of type of signal, UMTS MWs might have higher biological efficiency and presumably health risk effects as compared to GSM.
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