India: Effect van straling mobiele telefonie op mannelijke vruchtbaarheid. (upd. + hyperlink)

dinsdag, 24 augustus 2010 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Geplaatst op Stopumts 23 aug. 2010.
Hyperlink artikel Guardian toegevoegd 24 aug. 2010

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Bron: Fertility and Sterility. 2010 Jun 17

Influence of microwave exposure on fertility of male rats.
Kumar S, Kesari KK, Behari J.

Bioelectromagnetic Laboratory, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

The present study investigates the effect of 10-GHz microwave radiation on the fertility pattern of 70-day-old male rats (sham exposed and exposed), which were exposed for 2 h/d for 45 days continuously at a specific absorption rate of 0.014 W/kg and a power density of 0.21 mW/cm(2).

Results show a significant change in the level of reactive oxygen species, histone kinase, apoptotic cells, and percentage of G(2)/M transition phase of cell cycle in the exposed group compared with the sham-exposed group.

The study concludes that there is a significant effect of microwave radiations on the reproductive pattern in male rats, which is a causative factor of male infertility.

PMID: 20723534

Voor het originele abstract zie: .

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