Griekenland; Insecten reageren op straling mobiele telefonie binnen bepaalde ''windows''.

woensdag, 21 april 2010 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Deze interessante onderzoeken op het voortplantingsgedrag van insecten in relatie tot de afstand van de zender toont maar weer eens aan dat subsidies uitgegeven aan onderzoeken die zich richten op psychologische oorzaken onmiddellijk gestopt dienen te worden en dat een strikte dosis-response relatie niet zonder meer van toepassing is bij elektromagnetische velden:

Bron: International Journal of Radiation Biology. 2010 May;86(5):345-57.

Bioeffects of mobile telephony radiation in relation to its intensity or distance from the antenna.
Panagopoulos DJ, Chavdoula ED, Margaritis LH.

Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

PURPOSE: To examine the bioactivity of GSM 900 and 1800 (Global System for Mobile Telecommunications) radiations, in relation to the distance from the antenna or to the radiation-field intensities.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Drosophila melanogaster adult insects were exposed to the radiation of a GSM 900/1800 mobile phone antenna at different distances ranging from 0 to 100 cm, and the effect on their reproductive capacity and cell death induction in the gonads by the use of TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotide transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling) assay, was studied.

RESULTS: These radiations/fields decreased the reproductive capacity by cell death induction, at all the different distances tested. The effect diminished with the distance/decreasing intensities. An increased bioactivity 'window' was revealed at distances of 20-30 cm from the mobile phone antenna, (radiation intensity around 10 microW/cm(2)) where the effect became highest, in relation to smaller or longer distances. The effect diminished considerably for distances longer than 40-50 cm and became not evident for distances longer than 1 m or radiation intensities smaller than 1 microW/cm(2).

CONCLUSIONS: GSM bioactivity is highest for intensities down to less than 10 microW/cm(2) and still evident until 1 microW/cm(2) exhibiting 'window' effects.

PMID: 20397839

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