Discussiebijdrage Dr. Goldberg over Autisme en EMvelden

donderdag, 02 juli 2009 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Op EMFacts een interessante bijdrage van de bekende dermatoloog en auteur Dr. Gerald Goldberg Artikelen/1034 . naar aanleding van een discussie over het mogelijk verband tussen autisme en HF elektromagnetische velden:

Bron: EMFacts 2 juli 2009,

Filed under: Chemical and mould Exposures, DECT, Wi-FI, and WLAN wireless systems and health

From Gerald Goldberg, MD: Artikelen/1034 .

Read your post. I am including this material that you may find pertinent. The nervous system can selectively respond to certain frequencies and produce chemicals and maintain balance. Ear acupuncture has been around for fifty or more years and has been used for a variety of treating many different clinical conditions. Frequently different frequencies have been noted to affect different regions of the ear. The front portion of the ear is called the tragus. It responds to a twenty hertz signal. The points in this region subserve function of the pineal, sinuses, hypothalmic regions of the brain; sympathethic and parasympathethic functioning,temperature regulation, mania, memory amongst other functions. For a partial list refer to the included document.

Frequency jamming, either by using compressed or modulated wavelengths into an appropriate range ie 20 hertz would be one explanation of the disruption at these points. Additionally the direct application of cell phones to the ear has not really been considered to be a disruptive factor. Acupuncture studies using different frequencies of stimulation have been shown to stimulate neurotransmitters. For instance frequency stimulation using a 6 hertz pulse will stimulate dopamine secretion.

Interruption of normal frequency transmission by the nervous system can result in severe disruptions. Of note with autism, as I had discussed in an earlier paper, ie “Emf and autism” was the correlation of the rise in autism with an approximately 20 hertz pulse. Additionally the rise of other clinical syndromes is easily explained by a disruption of neurologic mechanisms that share a common frequency. Note the pineal gland falls in the range of 20 hertz disruption. There was a note in the rise of white nose syndrome in bats which can be explained by a common disruption of nervous system control, reflecting a disruption of common mechanisms shared by all mammals. Also there has been a rise in hypertension, sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue affecting the lung, adrenal dystfunction, and a plethora of other syndromes which could be explained by a similiar disruption. One can simply look at the rise in the use of certain pharmaceutical substances, ie blood pressure medication, hormonal disruption, etc to see the correlation.

Though the mechanisms that you have discussed are equally significant they do not explain the uniform global rise in illness incidence, which seems to be the concern of the emf community. The physiologic limitations of the nervous system which are integral to whole body functioning, can be disrupted selectively by emf, since the nervous system is programed to utilizing external frequencies and modulatinig them to produce balance in the body. Though other factors contribute, my inclination is to focus on the specificity of signal disruption and the symptoms that they produce. This is not to muddy the waters, but such a simple analysis will help to look at the exact nature of the disruption, ie 6, 20, 40, 80 hertz disruptions.

Not that the point be lost, but earlier investigators, ie Blackwell, Adey and others have looked at and studied the effects of selective frequency ranges. The point is that selective disruption is integral to the mechanisms of illness that one is seeing at the present time. The nervous system is committed to maintaining balance in the body and can be disrupted by the utilization of selective frequencies. This point is centeral to the discussion.

I would appreciate it if you posted or shared these comments with your readership.

Gerald Goldberg, MD

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