USA: Chemische- en elektromagnetische blootstelling in arbeidssociale context.

woensdag, 17 juni 2009 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Bron: Disability & Society, Volume 24, 2 March 2009 , pag. 187 - 199

Chemical and electromagnetic exposures as disability barriers: environmental sensitivity
Author: Pamela Reed Gibson a
Affiliation: a Department of Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA

DOI: 10.1080/09687590802652454

This paper proposes that chemical and electromagnetic exposures pose technology-related disability barriers for people who have acquired sensitivities to them and that these barriers should be integrated into our understanding of disability. I discuss pervasive chemical and electrical exposures as products of industrialism that first engender impairments and then act as disability barriers to those who develop intolerance to them. I also remark on unique aspects of environmental sensitivities in the context of the social model.
Keywords: multiple chemical sensitivity; chemical sensitivity; chemical intolerance; chemical hypersensitivity; electrical hypersensitivity
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