10 studies die DNA schade aantonen door Electromagnetische Velden van mobiele telefonie
vrijdag, 05 september 2008 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Microwavenews (al jaren ''the most authorative journal'' op het gebied van gezondheidsaspecten en EM straling) geeft vandaag een gedegen overzicht van 10 studies die (net als de Reflexstudie van Adlkofer et.al.) DNA schade aantonen o.i.v. electromagnetische velden van mobiele telefonie.
Werk aan de winkel voor de Gezondheidsraad en het Platform Electromagnetische Velden!
• R.J. Aitken et al., ''Impact of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on DNA Integrity in the Male Germline,'' International Journal of Andrology, 28, pp.171-179, 2005 (Australia);
• W. Baohong et al., ''Studying the Synergistic Damage Effects Induced by 1.8 GHz Radiofrequency Field Radiation (RFR) with Four Chemical Mutagens on Human Lymphocyte DNA Using Comet Assay in Vitro,'' Mutation Research, 578, pp.149-157, 2005 (China);
• W. Baohong et al., ''Evaluating the Combinative Effects on Human Lymphocyte DNA Damage Induced by Ultraviolet Ray C Plus 1.8 GHz Microwaves Using Comet Assay in Vitro,'' Toxicology, 232, pp.311-316, 2007 (China);
• G. Gandhi and Anita, ''Genetic Damage in Mobile Phone Users: Some Preliminary Findings,'' Indian Journal of Human Genetics, 11, pp.99-104, 2005 (India);
• J. Kim et al., ''In Vitro Assessment of Clastogenicity of Mobile-Phone Radiation (835 MHz) Using the Alkaline Comet Assay and Chromosomal Aberration Test,'' Environmental Toxicology, 23, pp.319-327, 2008 (Korea).
• S. Lixia et al., ''Effects of 1.8GHz Radiofrequency Field on DNA Damage and Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 in Human Lens Epithelial Cells,'' Mutation Research, 602, pp.135-142, 2006 (China);
• J. Phillips et al., ''DNA Damage in Molt-4 T-Lymphoblastoid Cells Exposed to Cellular Telephone Radiofrequency Fields in Vitro,'' Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 45, pp.103-110, 1998 (U.S.);
• T. Nikolova et al., ''Electromagnetic Fields Affect Transcript Levels of Apoptosis-Related Genes in Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neural Progenitor Cells,'' The FASEB Journal, 156, pp.495-502, 2001 (Germany);
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49, pp.2009-2015, 2008 (China). • K. Yao et al., ''Effect of Superposed Electromagnetic Noise on DNA Damage of Lens Epithelial Cells Induced by Microwave Radiation,''
• K. Yao et al., ''Electromagnetic Noise Inhibits Radiofrequency Radiation-Induced DNA Damage and Reactive Oxygen Species Increase in Human Lens Epithelial Cells,'' Molecular Vision, 19, pp.964-969, 2008 (China).
• D. Zhang et al., ''Effects of GSM 1800 MHz Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on DNA Damage in Chinese Hamster Lung Cells,'' Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 40, pp.149-152, 2006 (China, in Chinese).
Bovendien drie studies die chromosoomschade aangetoond hebben oiv EM velden bij mobiele telefonie:
• L. Manti et al., ''Effects of Modulated Microwave Radiation at Cellular Telephone Frequency (1.95 GHz) on X-Ray-Induced Chromosome Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes in Vitro,'' Radiation Research, 169, pp.575-583, 2008 (Italy);
• M. Mashevich et al., ''Exposure of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes to Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Cellular Phones Leads to Chromosomal Instability,'' Bioelectromagnetics, 24, pp.82-90, 2003 (Israel);
• P. Sykes et al., ''Effect of Exposure to 900 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation on Intrachromosomal Recombination in pKZ1 Mice,'' Radiation Research, 156, pp.495-502, 2001 (Australia).
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