Bijen en DECT straling: negatieve relatie

donderdag, 19 april 2007 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

In this paper, we describe a first pilot study, which explores the non-thermal influence of highfrequency electromagnetic fields. Therefore we observe the behaviour of honey bees (apis mellifera carnica) by exposing them to the radiation of DECT-phones. In this study four respectively eight bee-colonies were used as experimental group and were irradiated, whereas the same numbers of comparable bee-colonies was field-free. The observed parameters were the building behaviour of the bees within the beehive, its weight and especially the bees’ returning behaviour.


Dit onderzoek vraagt om snelle replicatie. Welke bijenteler durft het aan om DECT basisstations in/onder enkele korven te plaatsen, wetende dat hij/zij daarbij mogelijk de gezondheid, het leven en de productie van zijn/haar bijen op het spel zet.

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