Increase of thyroid cancer (schildklierkanker)
maandag, 05 augustus 2019 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Nine years ago we reported about the increasing number of patients with thyroid (schildklier) cancer:
A new paper, a nice tutorial, reports on the still rising number of patients diagnosed with thyroid cancer:
Anna Kucirkova <>
No suggestions were made of possible causes in the above two papers. Because of the position of a mobile phone when calling, close to the thyroid gland, electromagnetic fields (EMF) might be a contributing factor.
Links, to EMF were made, however, in several other papers:
The possible global hazard of cell phone radiation on thyroid cells and hormones: a review
Increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the Nordic countries with main focus on Swedish data
Turkije: Pathalogische veranderingen schildklier bij blootstelling straling mobiele telefonie
Oman: Straling mobiele telefoon beïnvloedt TSH en Thyroid hormoongehalte bij mensen
There may further also be an analogy with the rapid rise of other types of physical disorders and diseases in the USA. For one of these, autism, I made an analysis: .
Therein I suggested three possible contributing factors: EMF, vaccines and glyphosate.
The EMF makes the blood-brain barrier more permeable for toxic substances, whereupon these, such as aluminum in vaccines and glyphosate, abundently used in agriculture, easily penetrate into the brain.
Leakage of the blood-brain barrier due to EMF has been found in several experiments and excess aluminum in the brains of deceased autistic persons has also been found.
I (webmaster StopUMTS) don't know enough of the thyroid gland to give any sensible possibly similar suggestions in this case.
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