CDMA straling: Meer transpiratie bij jongeren

zondag, 02 juli 2006 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

CDMA is de mobiele telefonie standaard in de VS en enkele andere landen zoals in Zuid Korea. In dit onderzoek werd gekeken naar de directe effecten van kortstondige blootstelling aan de straling van een CDMA mobiele telefoon, die met 300 mW zendt.
Het valt op dat vooral jongeren gevoeliger lijken te zijn. Bij hen werd een duidelijke toename van de transpiratie van de handen geconstateerd, wat geobjectiveerd werd door een verandering van de huidgeleding/weerstand. Overige effecten waren niet significant (bloeddruk, etc).


''The amount of radiation emitted by mobile phones could pose serious health risks to users, according to a study released by a local scientist Monday.

Kim Deok-won, a professor from Yonsei University’s college of medicine, said in the study that the extensive use of wireless handsets, using code-division multiple access (CDMA) technology, increased sweat in the hands of users. The reaction to mobile-phone radio waves were found to be more significant among younger people, the study said.

Kim’s research team conducted their experiments on 41 people, 20 of whom were under the age of 18. Twenty-three were male.


Although most of the participants showed little differences in blood pressure or breath frequency after they were exposed to the mobile-phone radio waves, the younger participants showed an increase in hand sweating, which returned to normal levels ten minutes after they took the earpieces off. Kim suggested that the increase in sweating could be explained by the weaker immune systems of the bodies of younger people compared to adults.''

Bioelectromagnetics. 2006 May 26; Epub ahead of print Related Articles, Links

Effects of RF exposure of teenagers and adults by CDMA cellular phones.

Nam KC, Kim SW, Kim SC, Kim DW.

Department of Medical Engineering, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

Many cellular phone provocation studies have been conducted since the question of increased health risk from extended usage of cellular phones became a social issue. Internationally, most studies have been conducted regarding the effects of GSM cellular phones on blood pressure and heart rate of adult volunteers. On the other hand, very few provocation studies have been conducted regarding the physiological effects of CDMA phones on teenagers. In this study, two volunteer groups consisting of 21 teenagers and 21 adults were exposed to 300 mW of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field emitted by a CDMA cellular phone for half an hour. Physiological parameters such as systolic and diastolic blood pressures, heart rate, respiration rate, and skin resistance were simultaneously measured. All the parameters for both groups were unaffected during the exposure except for decreased skin resistance of the teenager group (P < .0001). For the regrouped 23 male and 19 female subjects, all the parameters for both groups were unaffected during the exposure except for decreased skin resistance of the male subjects (P = .0026). Those resistances at 10 min after the terminated exposure returned to the resistances at rest regardless of the different groups of age and sex. Bioelectromagnetics (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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