woensdag, 31 mei 2006 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
Does the coverage of house sparrows correlate with the coverage development of wireless services?
Here you find the coverage of house sparrows:
There are regional differences in the recent fate of House Sparrows. The latest Breeding Bird Survey figures for House Sparrows (1994-2002) are as follows. Note - this is only a short period. Most declines had happened before the start of BBS in 1994.
England down 13%
Scotland up 29%
Wales up 63%
Northern Ireland down 34%
SW England stable
SE England down 28%
London down 71%
East England down 22%
East Midlands up 18%
West Midlands stable
NW England down 12%
Yorkshire & Humberside down 11%
NE England too few records received
Here you find a map of coverage of GSM and 3G (Vodafone):
Let us assume that wireless services such as mobile communications, but also radio, television and other wireless services, have always about the same geographical development in time, they grow about the same way. Now check the 3G development.
Where is still few 3G at this moment?
Scotland (sparrows up 29%).
Wales (sparrows up 63% - did they flee from England?)
South West (sparrows stable)
East Midlands (sparrows up 18%)
Where is already a lot of 3G?
England (sparrows down 13%)
Northern Ireland (sparrows down 34%)
SE England (sparrows down 28%)
London (sparrows down 71%)
East England (sparrows down 22%)
West Midlands (sparrows stable)
NW England (sparrows down 12%)
Yorkshire & Humberside (sparrows down 11%)
If the assumption is true, then there is a correlation between wireless services going up and sparrows going down.
Next question: is there a causal correlation, such as a toxicological cause (are the electromagnetic fields a trigger or part of a chain of events, leading to the disappearance of house sparrows)?
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