New Study Finds Infant And Toddler Brains Absorb More Microwave Radiation From Wireless Phones
vrijdag, 01 december 2017 - Categorie: Onderzoeken
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27 okt. 2017
Evaluation of children exposure to electromagnetic fields of mobile phones using age-specific head models with age-dependent dielectric properties
Beadaa Mohammed, Jin Jin, Amin Abbosh, Konstanty Bialkowski, Mohamed Manoufali, Stuart Crozier
School of ITEE and University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia.
Given the rapid introduction of mobile phones and other portable wireless devices into society, and the increased possibility of young children using or being exposed to electromagnetic (EM) fields, a study of specific absorption rate (SAR) in the head of young children is becoming increasingly relevant. To accurately evaluate the exposure of children to electromagnetic fields, realistic head models, which consider the age-specific anatomical structure and age-dependent tissues dielectric properties, are developed. During postnatal development of human tissues, the number and size of cells increase while the proportion of water content decreases. Such changes result generally in significant changes in the dielectric properties of tissues. The SAR levels for different ages are investigated using the developed child’s head models when young children or their parents use a standard mobile phone. The results show that the maximum SAR levels in brain tissues of young children (3 months) are higher by up to 61% and 78% than adults at the lowest (700 MHz) and highest (2600 MHz) investigated frequencies, respectively. The percentage absorption power in the heads of young children (3 months) is higher by up to 40.6% and 24% than the values for adults at 700 MHz and 2600 MHz, respectively. Our investigation shows that previous studies, which used scaled head models without considering the age-dependent variations in the head anatomy and/or age-dependent tissues’ dielectric properties, underestimated SAR levels in the children’s heads. The obtained results using the developed realistic head models indicate that for young children, a lower limit on radiated power might be required to meet the acceptable dosimetry levels.
Published in: IEEE Access ( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 )
Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2767074
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