Karl Hecht: Health Implications of Long-term Exposure to Electrosmog

maandag, 19 december 2016 - Categorie: Onderzoeken

Bron: kompetenzinitiative.net/KIT/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/KI_Brochure-6_K_Hecht_web.pdf
dec. 2016

The Competence Initiative has released another brochure in English.

''The review findings by Hecht—which disappeared into the government archives as soon as they had been submitted and which we are now making available to the public in this brochure in its most comprehensive form to date—are based on the assessment of 878 Russian studies between 1960 and 1997. To pretend as if there were no connection between microwave technologies from the past and those from today is like burying one's head in the sand. This tactic is well illustrated by the current politics regarding radar victims and the increasing group of persons with electromagnetic hypersensitivity.''

Additional resources:
English brochures:

Het verhaal van prof. dr. Hecht geeft een indrukwekkend overzicht van de Russische onderzoeken uitgevoerd in de vorige eeuw. Zeer opmerkelijk is de lange duur waarop veel van die onderzoeken gelopen hebben. Voor zover ons bekend zijn er geen Westerse onderzoeken die daarmee vergelijkbaar zijn. Het overzicht van de vroegere Russische literatuur is in dit artikel aangevuld met meer recente informatie.

Een interessant stuk uit het artikel:

Presman (1970) recognized another important phenomenon in his studies, which would be so important to be also considered by current EMF research projects: his research team observed (in humans and animals) that the response to weak electromagnec fields under in vivo conditions was much more sensive than under in vitro conditions of isolated cells and organs or macromolecules in solutions. Thus, it was shown that a functioning body as a whole shows the highest level of sensivity to weak electromagnec fields. In this context, Presman (1970) also pointed out that EMF sensivity is a sign of the specific nature of life in the sense that information processing in living organisms is tied to highly organized, complex living systems. At the same time, this also underlined the demand for research methods that adequately document the physiology of organized life processes in contrast to those methods of classical physics that do not do so.

En een stukje waar ik het bij m'n lezingen altijd over spreek, maar wat duidelijk al heel lang bekend is:
As is generally known, humans are electrical beings. The electric currents of the brain (EEG), heart (ECG), muscles (EMG), and skin (EDA) can be measured and are a versatile tool for diagnostic tests and health checks. When the bioelectricity of a person is disturbed, illness will be present. Clinical death is defined as cessation of the electrical activity in the brain. Illness is always associated with a disturbance of the electrobiological acvity in the human body.

En nog iets:
As was demonstrated above in the discussion about the Russian studies, pathological effects in study subjects are only to be expected after ten or more years of daily exposure. Consequently, short-term studies of healthy males are completely unsuitable to provide evidence of adverse effects.

Dit lijkt in tegenspraak met de ervaringen van personen die vrij snel klachten krijgen, soms al binnen een uur. Hierbij moeten we bedenken dat die eenmaal elektrogevoelig geworden personen die tien jaar of langere belasting allang gehad hebben. Dat is dan een algemene EMV belasting, door LF velden met netvervuiling veelal van jongs af aan.

Zie ook:

www.stopumts.nl/doc.php/Berichten%20Internationaal/10365/russian_standards_for_electromagnetic_fields_and_safety .
Artikelen/10637/redir .

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