Canada/USA: Slimme meters, aansprakelijk stellen van bestuurders en organisaties

donderdag, 03 september 2015 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie

Bron: mail van John Weigel
3 sept. 2015

It is a month of firsts: there is word of a scientific breakthrough in the study of magnetism; for the first time a group in Canada has announced formation of a foundation to block smart meters; and Arthur Firstenberg has announced formation of the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS). Yet another first is the emf - antennae demonstration reported by

For the first time a foundation is being formed to fight imposition of so-called ‘smart meters’. The team at Kelowna Safe Meters is basing the foundation on the principle of liability.

This action is timely because Google has announced the formation of a parent company to be called Alphabet which will include a company called Nest (see below) to allow users to remotely monitor their homes.

It is relevant that a module on liability is being held by Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales in October.


With much news regarding individual electrohypersensitivity sufferers, it is relevant to be conscious of the fact that while people who are tragically affected by electromagnetic hypersensitivity, the vast majority of people who have cancer can not feel it until physical manifestations appear. It the wake of last week's court victory in France, it is heartening to know that human beings in other parts of the world are beginning to take action. Because the industry can not get insurance, it will stop at nothing to block individuals from taking up the fight which is the basis for the new foundation in British Columbia and the seminar in Australia.

De belangrijkste ontwikkeling is dat bestuurders en organisaties verantwoordelijk voor het plaatsen van slimme meters persoonlijk en als organisatie aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor schade veroorzaakt door deze slimme meters. Deze aansprakelijkstelling kan in de toekomst uiterst belangrijk zijn. Zie:

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