Franse vrouw krijgt geld vanwege 'wifi-allergie' en 'lawsuit' in de USA +

vrijdag, 28 augustus 2015 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie

Bron 1:
27 aug. 2015

Een Franse rechtbank heeft bepaald dat een vrouw die zegt aan 'wifi-allergie' te lijden, geld moet krijgen. De 39-jarige Marine Richard claimt dat ze geen gewoon leven kan leiden door de elektromagnetische straling van wifi.

Ze zegt dat ze lijdt aan het Elektromagnetische Hypersensitiviteit Syndroom (EHS). Richard heeft onder meer last van zware hoofdpijn en vergeetachtigheid.

De Française, die vroeger actief was als journalist, kan door haar gezondheidssituatie naar eigen zeggen niet meer werken. Inmiddels woont ze in een tent in een afgelegen gebied in de Franse Alpen.

800 euro

In Frankrijk wordt de ziekte EHS niet erkend, maar de rechtbank oordeelt dat Richard vanwege haar situatie geen werk meer kan verrichten. Daarom krijgt ze voor een periode van drie jaar maandelijks 800 euro.

De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie ziet EHS wel als een gesteldheid, maar zegt dat er geen wetenschappelijk bewijs is dat de symptomen komen door elektromagnetische straling.

De WHO heeft RF straling van mobieltjes, WiFi, enz. al in 2011 ingedeeld in de klasse 'mogelijk kankerverwekkend, zie:
Verder, betreffende de onzinnige mantra van i.h.b. onze Gezondheidsraad, dat er geen wetenschappelijk bewijs is dat de symptomen komen door elektromagnetische straling, zie:

Bron 2:
27 aug. 2015

Gadget 'allergy': French woman wins disability grant

A French woman has won a disability grant after telling a court she suffers from an allergy to electromagnetic radiation from gadgets.

Marine Richard, 39, was told she may claim €800 (£580) per month for three years as a result.

She said it was a ''breakthrough'' for people affected by electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).

The condition is recognised by the World Health Organisation (WHO), though it says the causes are unclear.

Ms Richard had resorted to living in a remote area in the mountains of south-west France - in a barn that has no electricity.

She said she had been affected by everyday gadgets such as phones.

Typical symptoms reported by those who say they suffer from EHS include headaches, fatigue, nausea and palpitations.

The disability allowance was granted by a court in Toulouse, though the ruling did not formally recognise EHS as an illness.

Bron 3: Agence France-Presse, August 27, 2015

Landmark ruling for woman suffering electro-sensitivity from mobiles, wi-fi

A French woman has won a legal battle for disability payments after she said that her electro-sensitivity to radiation from mobile phones and wi-fi networks had made her incapable of working.

Marine Richards, 39, says the ruling by a Toulouse court is a breakthrough for other people who are electro-sensitive. Her lawyer, Alice Terrasse, described it as a legal precedent for thousands of people, even though electro-sensitivity is not yet recognised as a medical condition.

Richards, who was a radio documentary producer until her symptoms forced her to live as a recluse in a renovated barn without electricity, has been awarded a disability allowance of around 800 euros a month for three years.

The court accepted that her symptoms prevented her from working, but fell short of recognising her electro-sensitivity as a disease.

Electro-sensitivity symptoms include headaches, sleep problems, chronic fatigue, nausea and palpitations. Sufferers say they are caused by electro-magnetic radiation from mobile phones, wi-fi networks, cordless phones and tablets.

The World Health Organization does classify electro-sensitivity as a health problem, but doesn’t confirm that it is caused by exposure to electro-magnetic radiation. Health authorities in Sweden and Germany have classified it as an occupational disease.

School sued

In a case in the US, the parents of a 12-year-old boy who they say is hypersensitive to his boarding school's WiFi have decided to file a lawsuit against the establishment.

The parents say their son, a day pupil, has been diagnosed with EHS.

They say he began suffering from headaches, nosebleeds and nausea after the Fay School installed new WiFi in 2013.

The school asked the communications technology firm Isotrope to assess the electromagnetic emissions on campus.

''Isotrope found that the combined levels of access point emissions, broadcast radio and television signals, and other RFE emissions on campus comply with federal and state safety limits by a wide margin,'' the school said in a statement.

The statement also quoted from the Isotrope report, which said that levels of emissions both in the school and on the grounds ''were substantially less than one ten-thousandth (1/10,000th) of the applicable safety limits (federal and state)''.

Zie voor deze 'lawsuit in de USA ook:

Understanding electromagnetic fields

By Philippa Roxby, BBC News Health Reporter

Electromagnetic fields are all around us but cannot be seen.

In recent years a lot of research has been carried out into man-made sources of these fields, such as electrical power supplies and appliances in the home.

X-ray machines, TV and radio transmitters, mobile phones, WiFi and microwave ovens are all everyday sources of electromagnetic waves.

Those who are sensitive to them talk of experiencing headaches, sleeplessness, ear pain when using a mobile phone, skin tingling and problems with concentration and memory.
For them, the only solution at present is to avoid objects that emit radiation in the home - not easy in the modern world.

In the UK, electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not a recognised condition.

That's because Public Health England says there is no scientific evidence that electromagnetic fields damage people's health.

The WHO agrees and believes more research on long-term health effects needs to be done.

Difficult case

Although some countries, notably Sweden and the US, have officially recognised EHS as a condition, there is still much debate over whether a legal case on the condition would be worthwhile in certain other states.

In the UK, for example, members of the public who are worried about exposure to mobile phone masts tend to challenge their construction on a planning basis, according to research group Powerwatch.

''The health issue is close to a no-win in this country at the moment,'' Graham Lamburn, its technical manager, told the BBC.

''You really need to win on things like 'it's devalued my property because it's outside my window' or 'there's an irregularity in the way it's been put through with planning'.''
Electrosensitivty UK (ES-UK), a charity that campaigns for wider recognition of EHS, said it welcomed the French court's decision.

''Several people in the UK have been diagnosed with electrosensitivity and received help for the disability but any financial allowance usually refers to a different name for the condition or a related condition,'' it said in a statement.

Voor meer gedetailleerde informatie waaronder de uitspraak van de Franse rechtbank zie:
Bron 3: Juridische%20Informatie/9410/frankrijk-2_french_courts_recognize_electrosensitivity_as_a_handicap

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