Frankrijk-1: French Courts Recognize Electrosensitivity as a Handicap
zaterdag, 22 augustus 2015 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie
en Franse tekst in:
22 aug. 2015
According to EMF Omega News, for the second time a French court recognized Electrosensitivity as a handicap and awarded compensation to a woman.
Details volgen later
The first case was awarded a year ago (see following article).
First compensation for electrosensitivity
Le Figaro, Apr 17, 2014 (Google translation)
Electrosensitivity is not officially recognized as a disease but 1.5% to 2% of the population said to suffer.
For the first time, a man suffering from electrosensitivity was granted financial support for its pathology by the Departmental House of Disabled Persons of Essonne, does one learned Thursday with the Collective of electro France.
''This is a first step,'' said Sophie Pelletier, co-leader of this association. ''Other people had already obtained the status of disabled worker because of their electrosensitivity, but receive a grant to buy protective equipment, to our knowledge, this is a first.''
For many years this man of 32, who lives in the south of Essonne, no longer supports telecommunications waves and is on sick leave. His problems seem to have started after an exhibition as part of its work to device manager magnetic fields.
Electrosensitivity is not officially recognized as a disease and is the subject of controversy among experts. People ''EHS'' (EHS), which represent 1.5% to 2% of the population, attribute their suffering to electromagnetic fields of the environment. Headache, vomiting, extreme irritability: the symptoms mentioned by patients are variable but can lead to extreme situations, forcing some of them to stop working or to completely change their lifestyle.
Without denying the reality of this suffering, the World Health Organization and the Scientific Council of the European Commission (SCENIHR) concluded in 2012 that there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Compensation for daily expenses
The Departmental Centre for Disabled Persons, under the authority of the General Council of Essonne, has awarded financial assistance to the sick, the amount was not specified. ''He filed a case and a committee met to study the impact of its problems in his daily life and work and see how it can be compensated,'' said Sophie Pelletier.
With this grant, the young man planned to buy measuring instruments, protective fabric for clothes, a canopy to protect her bed at night, or a voice recognition computer software.
In late March, a woman suffering from electrosensitivity had fled for ten hours atop a crane in Antony (Hauts-de-Seine) to request an appropriate relocation to his health. In June 2013 the government announced it would set up a ''health monitoring'' around this phenomenon.
(With AFP)
Electromagnetic waves in debate in the Assembly
The daily ordeal of an allergic to the waves
Survey intolerance waves
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