ISRAEL: Telefoonmaatschappij betaalt US $ 100.000 aan slachtoffer straling

dinsdag, 05 maart 2013 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie

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5 maart 2013
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1 maart 2013

1. Israeli cell phone company to compensate customer who contracted cancer
Partner Communications, which operates in Israël under the name Orange, will pay NIS 400,000 to a customer who contracted cancer in his ear.

Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the Orange brand name, has reached a settlement with a customer who claims he contracted cancer after using one of their devices.

2. PARTNER, Israeli cell phone company will pay 400000 NIS to a Cancer victim

PARTNER, one of the top 3 Israeli cell phone companies, will pay 400000 NIS (~US$100000) to a Cancer victim that prosecute Partner because the company did not warn agents cell phone use in shelter rooms (with reinforced concrete). The Cancer victim is a law attorney who used 2 cellphones in his office which was in a shelter room, since 2003. The attorney was diagnosed with lymphoma right above the left ear where he used to hold his phone when talking.

The claim was issued at 2010 and was settled in an agreement between the victim and the cellphone company.

Na Italië, zie:
nu Israël met een erkenning dat RF straling van mobieltjes kanker kan veroorzaken.

later toegevoegd: EMF on trial: Australia and Israel cases may be precedent-setting, zie: .

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