AUSTRALIE: doorbraak, erkenning EHS

maandag, 04 maart 2013 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie

Bron: Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia 28 February 2013 .

Nu ook voor het eerst in Australie een legale erkenning van het bestaan van elektrosensitiviteit van personen. Zie de onderaan bijgevoegde pdf file met het volledige vonnis.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal of Australia
Dr Alexander McDonald and Comcare

Legal acknowledgement of the condition of EHS in Australia
For the first time in Australia, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the Australian Federal Court has provided legal recognition of the health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) also known as electromagnetic frequencies (EMF).

In a workplace compensation case, handed down on 28 February 2013, the Tribunal found that Dr Alexander McDonald suffered a workplace injury of a worsening of his sensitivity to EMR, as a result of him being required, by his employer, to trial the use of electronic equipment.

The judge ruled that he was '... satisfied on the balance of probabilities that Dr McDonald has suffered either:
• an aggravation of his sensitivity to EMF; or,
• an aggravation of his symptoms by reason of his honest belief that he suffers from the condition of EMF sensitivity…’

Judgment: See in particular sections 1 - 2 - 16 – 21 – 37 – 38 – 39 – 71 – 81 – 83 – 95 – 111 - 112

later toegevoegd: EMF on trial: Australia and Israel cases may be precedent-setting, zie: .

of .

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