5G: California Supreme Court Affirms Local Authority to Regulate Wireless Infrastructure

vrijdag, 12 april 2019 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie

Bron: takebackyourpower.net/california-supreme-court-affirms-local-authority-on-small-cell-sites/
12 april 2019

This breaking development recognizes the shift of power toward local governments, and away from the 5G corporate oligarchy operating through the FCC.

On April 4, 2019, the California Supreme Court published an opinion
supporting municipal authority to make regulations on so-called ‘small cell’ PROW (public right of way, aka ROW) towers and uses of the public’s right-of-way. This opinion affirms the 2016 appellate court ruling.

This opinion seems to go far beyond mere aesthetic standards — the focus of the lawsuit by T-Mobile West LLC — affirming the exercise of municipalities’ full police powers to regulate small cell towers in the public’s right of way, including that municipalities do have discretionary power.
These rulings have bearing on Smart Meters in California because of the affirmation of local policing powers. The Supreme Court and appellate court decisions repudiate CPUC claims of exclusive jurisdiction over utilities made during the Smart Meter roll-out.

An amicus brief was filed May 11, 2017 on behalf of the League of California Cities, California State Association of Counties, the International Municipal Lawyers Association, and SCAN NATOA, Inc. written by Jeffrey T. Melching and Ajit Singh Thind of Rutan and Tucker, LLP with valuable additional information.

These decisions give cities and counties the backbone and legal cover to create and enforce rules and ordinances to protect the public, the environment, and public land. These decisions are vital documents for local officials and decision-makers. Hopefully as well, they will provide support for actions in other states and countries.

Much of the discussion in the Court’s opinion focused on California Public Utilities Code 7901 and 7901.1, the broad definition of the word “incommode” in that section, and the Constitutionally-granted policing powers and “powers of control” of municipalities.

Zie voor het vervolg de link bovenaan. Nog wel de volgende links naar 5G:

Scientific Evidence on 5G Harm

EHTrust: Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells and Health

Dr. Martin Pall’s free e-book: “5G: Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct
Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them” (PDF, 90 pages)

Dr. Joel Moskowitz: “5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype“
Interesting information with doubts on 5G mm waves.

Electric Sense: “5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned“

Health resources summary from WhatIs5G.info

Health resources summary from TelecomPowerGrab.com
Overzicht van publicaties

EMF interview by Luke Storey: Dr. Jack Kruse

SaferEMR: Summary 400 new EMF scientific studies, Aug 2016 to present (EMF in general)

Research from Magda Havas

News from Clear Light Ventures

Articles from BN Frank at ActivistPost
www.activistpost.com/tag/bn-frank .

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