Wireless Devices - Minimise Your Legal Risks ; by EMR Australia

maandag, 05 juni 2017 - Categorie: Juridische Informatie

Bron: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wireless-devices-minimise-your-legal-risks-tickets-34961503799#listing-organizer
26 okt. 2017


The first seminar in Australia to show you how to protect yourself from the legal liability that you may face for exposing others to wireless radiation in your business or organisation. Learn practical solutions to reduce your legal risks now and into the future.

. Do you have wireless equipment in your workplace, classroom, retail outlet or any venue open to the public?
. Do you require employees to use mobile phones, laptops or tablets?
. Are you responsible for workplace health and safety?
. Are you a councillor, town planner or architect?
. Do you design or install communication networks or smart meters?
. Is a communications antenna installed on your property?

If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions, you need to know about this emerging legal issue and how to protect yourself from liability.

This one-day seminar presented by EMR Australia will cover:

. relevant federal and state legislation
. legal precedents
. Australian standards - does compliance protect you from litigation?
. will your insurance cover you?
. practical solutions to minimise your legal liability

Talk to us about a table discount for groups of eight or more delegates.

Zie voor het verdere verhaal de link bovenaan. Interessant dat men zich daar met dit probleem bezig houdt. Vooral omdat geen enkele verzekeringsmaatschappij de risico's van gezondheidsschade door EMV verzekert.

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