WiFi in scholen? een aantal brieven van wetenschappers en medische experts

donderdag, 23 januari 2014 - Categorie: Folders en publicaties

Bron: www.wifi-in-schools-australia.org/p/blog-page_3.html .
jan. 2014

Support Letters

Supporting letters from scientists and medical experts
Open letters from experts supporting the precautionary approach to the use of wireless technology in schools. These can be used to provide expert support to anyone who wants to raise the issue of WiFi in schools.

docs.google.com/file/d/0B1KQ639Tc1Z9ZlprZVRGdmxHQ2s/edit .
Letter from Assoc. Professor Olle Johansson, PhD .
in support of WiFi in Schools Australia's call to adopt the Precautionary Principle.

docs.google.com/file/d/0B1KQ639Tc1Z9WFlHbnFvRThhM1E/edit .
Letter from Dr. Magda Havas, B.SC. Ph.D. .
open letter to all School Principals, Ministers, Directors of Education and Teachers.

docs.google.com/file/d/0B1KQ639Tc1Z9X0NEOTFPVVFnaGc/edit .
Letter from Assistant Professor Martha Herbert, PhD, MD
letter to LAUSD from a pediatric neurologist and neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School.

docs.google.com/file/d/0B1KQ639Tc1Z9a0lxRFRmODFqSWM/edit .
Letter from The American Academy of Environmental Medicine
open letter to LAUSD from the AAEM.

memorygapdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/uk-doctors-letter-wifi-ssita-26-june-2013.pdf .
Letter from UK medical doctors
open letter on health and safety of Wi-Fi and mobile phones

More letters and testimonies available for download at
www.wifiinschools.com/lausd-testimony.html .
These were sent to the Los Angeles Unified School District in February 2013 in opposition to the district-wide WiFi plan.

Medical Advisory Statements
Statements from 14 offical agencies & associations regarding advice on wireless technology.

Click here to download brochure
citizensforsafetechnology.org/uploads/scribd/Medical-Advisory-WiFi-and-Children.pdf .

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