Nieuw Engelstalig boek over de bedrieglijke voorstelling van zaken m.b.t. mobiele telefonie.

donderdag, 04 februari 2010 - Categorie: Folders en publicaties

Een nieuw Engelstalig boek over de misleiding van het grote publiek inzake de mobiele telefonie is verschenen onder de titel

Cell Phones and The Dark Deception: Find Out What You're Not Being Told...And Why

Auteur: Carleigh Cooper

De begeleidende tekst luidt als volgt:

About the author:
Carleigh Cooper has been researching the effects of non-ionizing radiofrequency microwave radiation long before her late husband was diagnosed with toxic encephalopathy, brain damage due to carcinogenic exposure. Steve, who opted out of his wretched life at 48, spent 16 years building power microwave amplifiers for the base stations of cell towers. The doctor's prognosis was brain tumor or brain cancer, yet there were so many other symptoms she thought were unrelated to his exposure. She was wrong.

Carleigh has a B.A. degree in Phychology and a minor in Communication Arts. She is a zealous public speaker, mother of two daughters and is happily remarried.''

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