Film ''Full Signal'' over de gezondheidseffecten van mobiele telefonie. (Upd + verslag)

donderdag, 10 december 2009 - Categorie: Folders en publicaties

In de USA is de Engelstalige film ''Full Signal'' uitgebracht. Een inleidende tekst en trailers zijn te zien bij

Since 1997 and the onset of GSM telephony, more and more cellular antennas have been popping up in neighborhoods all around the world to support an ever-growing number of cell phone users.

In fact they have become so prolific in some parts of the world that they disappear into the landscape with the same subtlety as cars on the street. And those that don't 'disappear' are cleverly disguised as chimneys, flag poles, or water towers.

Full Signal talks to scientists around the world who are researching the health effects related to cellular technology; to activists who are fighting to regulate the placement of antennas; and to lawyers and law makers who represent the people wanting those antennas regulated.

Filmed in Eight countries and Six US states, Full Signal examines the contradiction between health and finance, one of the many ironies of the fight to regulate antenna placement.

Voor een trailer en een teaser van de film zie de video's op: .

In New York is de film op het Santa Fe Film Festival met veel enthousiasme ontvangen en maakte diepe indruk, ook op sceptici. Een ooggetuige:

Full House to see 'Full Signal' Documentary

December 8, 2009 at 10:31 pm by Sonja Stark, PilotGirl

Great news! I just heard from my director that a documentary, that I was lucky enough to videotape, had overwhelming support at the Santa Fe Film Festival. In fact, the festival opened with Full Signal (and a sold-out attendance) and closed with the film too. On premiere night people lined up outside the venue waiting to get in and 50 people were turned away.

Besides the two festival screenings, local activists organized two additional screenings for local legislators, the media, and Department of Health officials. And various media outlets showed up for coverage.

Timing truly is everything because the City of Santa Fe just passed a vote to increase cell phone towers but because of the film, several council members publicly cited their concerns about the health dangers linked to EMF radiation from cell towers and cell phones that they would not have otherwise known about.

Several people pledged to work with other communities around the world to bring about a positive change to the Telecom Act and the FCC's guidelines. 'This truly is a step in the right direction,' said my director.

Now the touring of the US and International film festival track officially begins in earnest in 2010. I would like to see the documentary shown here at the WAMC Linda Norris Auditorium. It would be a sold-out event for sure. This film has the potential to affect real positive change, wherever it's shown, so if any of my readers think they would like to see it at another venue, let us know.

Check the Director's Facebook page for updates and keep your fingers crossed that a local theater, maybe even the Spectrum or The Palace Theater, will agree to show it.

Voor het origineel zie: .

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