1500 antennes ontmantelen, aldus parlement Taiwan

donderdag, 08 november 2007 - Categorie: Berichten Nederland

In Taiwan zullen 1500 antennes voor mobiele telefonie ontmanteld
worden. Parlementsleden willen dat er geen antennes meer geplaatst
worden in de buurt van bewoning en scholen. De bestaande antennes op
die locaties zouden verwijderd moeten worden:

''The target of dismantling 1,500 mobile phone base stations (MPBS)
this year will be achieved handsomely by the end of the year, National
Communications Commission Chairman Su Yeong-chin said yesterday.

Reporting at the Legislative Yuan, Su said the NCC's promise to push
the private MPBS operators to dismantle 1,500 of the
controversy-ridden base stations in 2007 will be delivered without

(...) Su made the remarks in response to questions from opposition
Kuomintang Legislator Lai Shyh-bao, who wanted the NCC to ensure that
all base stations in the country be established atop building of
publicly run organizations instead of private buildings, buildings
near schools or in residential areas.The NCC head said his commission
has been trying to move developments in this direction.

(...) Residential areas and schools must not be exposed to the risk of
radiation emitted by the MPBSs that could cause cancer, miscarriages
and diseases of the nervous system, and could even drive people to
suicide, the legislators said. (...) existing base stations must be
moved out of such areas,

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