Noorwegen: hulp voor EHS

zondag, 12 juli 2015 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: mail Olle Johansson 9 juli 2015

Dear All on my mailing list,

I have just now learnt that the Norwegian EHS organization FELO (=Foreningen for El-Overfølsomme; The Society for the Electrohypersensitive) is a member of the Norwegian disability organization FFO (=Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon; The Norwegian Federation of Organizations of Disabled People), as well as receives an official subsidy based on this.

So more and more countries are now defining electrohypersensitivity as a functional impairment.

With my very best regards
Yours sincerely

(Olle Johansson, associate professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm

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