Smartphones are not ‘SMART’
maandag, 16 maart 2015 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
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15 maart 2015
These days Smartphones are inseparable. Our obsession with mobile gadgets has become larger-than-life. Plenty of research illustrates how we are becoming addicted to these more and more. If so, you are not alone — even doctors are getting on board.
Whereas, the World Health Organisation (WHO) does consider cell phone radiation to be possibly carcinogenic to humans, other things that are in the same classification are chloroform, lead and pesticide DDT.
Recently, WHO also claimed around one billion young people are exposed to unsafe levels of sound through headphones leading to hearing loss. According to one of their researchers: as they go about their daily lives doing what they enjoy, more and more young people are placing themselves at risk of hearing loss.
Few months back, the other study published in the journal Current Biology explained that using a smartphone for one day has transformative impact on the brain. That study finds how smartphones are affecting the electrical activity in the brain. The electrical activity in a smartphone user’s brain spikes when their fingertips are touched, in comparison to an old-school phone user.
Watching at the small fonts can lead to eyestrain, blurred vision, dizziness and dry eyes. Light blues from these cell phones are also disturbing and changing sleep pattern. According to some experts, you may make your phone’s font size bigger and try to hold your phone at least 16 inches away from your faces and every few minutes look up from your screen at something far away for short breaks and don't forget to blink.
The benefits of reducing smartphone use seem clear. Unplugging from social media site notifications can reduce stress and add to time spent with healthy affairs.
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