EHS recognition—nearly, but not yet
dinsdag, 17 februari 2015 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Source: .
March 2015 issue EMR and Health
Free quarterly news and science report on electromagnetic radiation and health
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), a consultative body of the European Union, has adopted an opinion on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). However, the final opinion, adopted on 21-22 January, is a far cry from the opinion developed by the Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society on 13 January and presented to the EESC for approval.
The 13 January version of the document states, ‘The EESC advocates the adoption of protective and binding legislation that includes reducing and mitigating human exposure to electromagnetic fields.’ It recognised EHS as a syndrome that could cause biological and functional problems and permanent disability and could seriously impact on quality of life.
It listed possible symptoms of EHS as, ‘headaches, chronic fatigue, recurring infections, difficulties concentrating, memory loss, inexplicable unhappiness, dermatological symptoms, irritability or sleeplessness, heart problems, poor blood circulation, disorientation, nasal congestion, reduced libido, thyroid disorders, eye discomfort, tinnitus, increased need to urinate, listlessness, capillary fragility, cold hands and feet, and stiff muscles.’
The document also made a series of recommendations including:
recognising the condition of EHS;
including the ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) principle in EU legislation;
introducing labels to advise of the presence of EMR, SARs and health risks;
placing restrictions on advertising;
conducting relevant research;
preventing and managing workplace risks;
educating the public about minimising exposure;
developing exposure maps and safety thresholds.
Prior to voting on the document, the EESC held a public hearing on EHS in Brussels on 21 January. The half day event heard speakers from various interest groups, including Professor Olle Johansson, who has researched and extensively written about the condition.
At the January 21-22 Plenary session, a counter opinion, introduced by member Richard Adams, was adopted by 136 votes to 110. This opinion states that ’The overwhelming medical and scientific opinion is that there is no conclusive evidence to link the wide range of symptoms described as EHS to electromagnetic or radiofrequency exposure (EMF).’ It implies that sufferers have aversions to modern society.
It is relevant that Mr Adams may have a conflict of interests through his involvement with the charity Sustainability First and its work on behalf of smart grids.
In announcing the release of its opinion on EHS, the EESC called for ‘sympathetic and appropriate treatment and support for this condition. It said, ‘The EESC ... urges continuance of the precautionary principle through regulation and advisory work, particularly as further research is still needed to accumulate evidence concerning any potential health impact from long-term exposure.’
EESC press release, 23.1.15.
“The EESC advocates the
adoption of protective and
binding legislation that
includes reducing and
mitigating human exposure
to electromagnetic fields.”
An example of how the Australians report on the EESC happenings: nearly, but not yet, see further for references to the opinion and to the counter-opinion: Berichten%20Internationaal/9007/redir .
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