WHO: Radio Frequency fields: Environmental Health Criteria Monograph
vrijdag, 12 december 2014 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: www.who.int/peh-emf/research/rf_ehc_page/en/ .
26 nov.. 2014
Consultation on the scientific review for the upcoming WHO Environmental Health Criteria
Belangrijk om commentaar in te sturen.
The consultation is open until 15 December 2014
The World Health Organization is undertaking a health risk assessment of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, to be published as a monograph in the Environmental Health Criteria Series. This publication will complement the monographs on static fields (2006) and extremely low frequency fields (2007), and will update the monograph on radiofrequency fields (1993).
The draft chapters of this document which contain the scientific content are now open for technical consultation by RF experts. We are seeking comments on the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in these chapters. Please note that the literature searches have been done up to December 2012 (in a few instances to December 2013), so the more recent studies are currently not yet included. While the searches and chapters will be updated before finalization of the document, any suggestions for inclusion of peer reviewed studies are welcomed.
The process used in developing the chapters is described in Appendix X. Note that the chapters 1, 13 and 14 which will provide a summary, health risk assessment and protective measures are not available for this consultation. The drawing of conclusions from the literature and the drafting of these chapters is the remit of a formal Task Group that will be convened by WHO at a later stage in the process.
If you have questions, please contact us at: emfproject@who.int
To provide comments, please go to extranet.who.int/datacol/form.asp?id=3092 .
User name: RFconsultation
Password: RFconsultation
Note that individual experts are requested to fill in a Declaration of Interest (DOI) form:
Download the DOI form
docx, 38kb
Guidance for completion of DOI form
pdf, 20kb
Download the document by section:
Chapter 1: Summary and recommendations for further study
Chapter 2: Sources, measurements and exposures
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-02-sources-meas-exposures-PC-2014-09-30.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 1.83Mb
Chapter 3: Electric and magnetic fields inside the body; SAR and heat
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-03-rad-fields-inside-body-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 1.01Mb
Chapter 4: Biophysical mechanisms; tissue heating
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-04-biophysical-mechanisms-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 501kb
Chapter 5: Brain physiology and function
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-05-brain-physiology-function-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 3.10Mb
Chapter 6: Auditory, vestibular and ocular function
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-06-auditory-vestibular-ocular-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 398kb
Chapter 7: Neuroendocrine system
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-07-neuroendocrine-system-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 845kb
Chapter 8: Neurodegenerative disorders
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-08-neurodegeneration-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 321kb
Chapter 9: Cardiovascular system and thermoregulation
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-09-cardiovascular-thermoregulation-PC-2014-09-26.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 1.60Mb
Chapter 10: Immune system and haematology
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-10-immune-system-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 728kb
Chapter 11: Fertility, reproduction and development
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-11-fertility-reproduction-development-PC-2014-09-29.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 1.01Mb
Chapter 12: Cancer
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/ch-12-cancer-PC-2014-09-30.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 3.49Mb
Chapter 13: Health risk assessment
Chapter 14: Protective measures
Appendix X. General review principles
www.who.int/entity/peh-emf/publications/app-x-search-strategy-study-evaluation-2014-09-30.pdf?ua=1 .
pdf, 304kb
26 November 2014 17:40 CET
Het commentaar van StralingsArmVlaanderen:
We have a comment to the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the
WHO draft document. We read that only studies upto 2012 are included. Since that time,
many groundbreaking studies have been done. Not including them will make the entire
WHO document obsolete even before its publication!
The published work of PhD. Martin Pall and the earlier published work by Dr.
Panagopoulos, Dr. Goldsworthy and many others are not discussed in it. These studies have rendered obsolete much of the WHO document including the entire part on Biophysical Mechanisms. Chapter 4: Biophysical mechanisms; tissue heating
These scientists not only have a biophysically viable mechanism, but most importantly it
has been confirmed by each of the 24 studies cited in the 2003 Journal of Cellular and
Molecular Medicine paper of Prof. Pall as being THE mechanism by which a wide range of
EMF effects are produced.
Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects
! ! Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
! ! Volume 17, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages: 958–965, Martin L. Pall
! ! Article first published online : 26 JUN 2013, DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.12088
◦ Abstract
◦ Full Article (HTML)
◦ Enhanced Article (HTML)
◦ PDF(84K)
◦ References
See also the presentation of PhD. Pall : www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjt0iJThPU0 .
Note 1 : ICNIRP has established guidelines based solely on the heating effect, which is
completely obsolete, proven by thousands of studies by now.
Note 2 : In May 31, 2011 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and
World Health Organization (WHO) reclassified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a
Class 2B carcinogen (a possible carcinogen)
Which studies point out is an understatement !
In May 2011, The Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe (PACE) released Resolution
1815 on the Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and their effect on the
Note 3 : SCENHIR has been questioned by a lot of scientists, NGO’s, politicians, ... for
having conflicts of interest in this matter and are accused of the omission of the countless
studies providing evidence of biological effects, DNA damage, neurological effects and
other health risks from RF – EMF radiation. Most of these studies are ‘overlooked’ by
Note 4 : More and more people are getting ill and do see a link between their problems and
(RF) EMF exposure. They are starting action groups and Citizens' Initiatives (ECI). On
European (political) level awareness is also growing and calls for action issued right ...
Further ignoring it makes no sense !
Note 5 : It is important to remember that public health and epidemiological determinations
do not require a proven mechanism before inferring a causal link. Many times, proof of
mechanism is not known before public health measures are implemented. But now even (al
or part of) the mechanisms between EMFs exposure and disease can be explained.
Please, don’t make the same mistake as has been made with tabacco and asbestos !
We need protective measures and we need them right now based on ALL actual studies,
especially the most recent ones showing clearly the adverse health effects and now also
explaining the mechanisms !
Please, the WHO is there to protect people and our environment !
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