SPANJE: ''The Parliament of Navarra Spain urged remove the WIFI in schools as a Precaution''

woensdag, 29 oktober 2014 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: .
7 okt. 2014

Translation:The Parliament of Navarre: Advocates apply the precautionary principle in relation to exposure limits to electromagnetic fields whose boundaries have become ''obsolete''

The Committee on Rural Development, Environment and Local Government today approved with votes in favor of Socialists of Navarra, BILDU, Aralar-NaBai, PPN and Left-Ezkerra UPN and abstention, a resolution by the Parliament of Navarra ''adheres to Resolution 1815 of May 27, 2011, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe'', which argues for applying the precautionary principle with regard to the limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields, even more when scientific evaluation does not allow determining risk with sufficient certainty.

The adopted resolution includes a second point at which, in turn, calls the Provincial Executive to ''implement the recommendations of the resolution.''

Similarly, and in a third section, the Spanish Government is summoned to ''pick up and implement the recommendations of Resolution 1815 in the development of telecommunications legislation.'' In this section, SN and PPN have joined UPN abstaining. BILDU, Aralar-NaBai Left-Ezkerra have maintained their affirmative vote.

In the preamble, the resolution driven by GP-NaBai Aralar BILDU and alludes to the debate generated around the conditions that produce electromagnetic fields ''on the environment and health,'' and notes that ''concern has increased ''Due to the proliferation of high emissions (telecommunications infrastructure) and low frequency, the limits,'' Obsolete (have not been revised since 1999) do not take into account the most vulnerable citizens, for pregnant women, newborns / girls and boys / as ''.

In this regard, proponents refer to the advice discharges by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe resolution 1815 of 2011, a document which recommended ''review the scientific basis for the standards of exposure to electromagnetic fields'' and '' set thresholds for levels of preventive long-term exposure in all indoor areas not exceeding 0.6 volts per meter ''.

The session, chaired by Begoña Sanzberro (GP UPN), attended by the GP UPN, Jerome Gomez, Antonio Perez Prados, José A. Rapún Javier Lorente, and Jesus Esparza; by GP SN, Carmen Ochoa, Samuel Caro and Pedro Rascon; by GP BILDU Victor Rubio and Barea Bikendi; by GP-NaBai Aralar, Txentxo Jimenez and Xabi Lasa; by GP PPN, Eva Gorri; and the GP IE, Marisa Simon.

The Resolution of the Council of Europe states, inter alia:

- Give preference to children in general and especially in schools and classrooms, systems access internet via cable connection (avoiding wireless WiFi) and strictly regulate the use of mobile students on campus ''
- Take ''all reasonable steps'' to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, including radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones, ''and particularly the exposure to children and young people, for whom the risk of tumors of the head seems more''.
- Establish information campaigns and awareness of the risks of potentially harmful long-term biological effects on the environment and human health, especially ''children and young people of reproductive age.''
- It is recommended that: ''the use of wired telephones in households or, failing that, models which do not permanently emit pulsed waves.''

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