Polen: Poging om hogere stralingsintensiteiten toe te staan
woensdag, 08 oktober 2014 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: translate.google.pl/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fserwisy.gazetaprawna.pl%2Ftelekomunikacja%2Fartykuly%2F827306%2Cmaszty-telekomow-beda-silniej-promieniowac-oznacza-to-lepszy-zasieg-i-fale-protestow.html&edit-text= .
8 okt. 2014
Telecoms masts will radiate more strongly: This means better coverage and a wave of protests
Mobile operators want to ease the norms radiation from transmitters. Supports their Ministertwo Administration and Digitization. It acknowledges that the current in our regulations are among the strictest in the world - radiation does not exceed 0.1 W per 1 sqm. After the changes could even be 4.5 W, which is up to 45 times more. The initiative also supports the increase of the limits of the Office of Electronic Communications. He notes that in most countries of the EU rules in this area are much milder. In some cases, the power of the antennas is allowed up to 10 watts per meter, which is a hundred times higher than in Poland. At the other extreme is Switzerland, even more restrictive than we: there maximum power transmitters for 900 MHz frequency used in mobile phones is only 0.04 W.
Proponents of liberalization standards emphasize that they are more severe, the higher the cost to the operators. Are forced to put more densely transmitters, which raises problems in cities, where every square meter is at a premium. In addition, the larger number of antennas spoils the landscape. Also suffer consumers , because due to the smaller range of matters worse is the quality of services.
The final decision on standards will minister of the environment . No comment on the case and counts aloud with protests of environmentalists. But resistance can also put some politicians. Councillors Krakow, not knowing the details, I want to tighten up the standards of radiation.
In the case of changes in norms operators met Friday with representatives of the Ministry of Administration and Digitization. This second meeting this week - learned DGP. As agreed, Justyna Romanowska, director of the department of telecommunications in Maica promised telecoms support. She said that the ministry will ask the matter to the Minister for the Environment, who is the author of regulation in terms of acceptable standards of radiation. The initiative is also supported by the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications and the Office of Electronic Communications.
Ministry of the Environment announced that the proposal will consider, but stipulates that any adjustment provisions does not happen soon, because it requires the incorporation of amendments to seven acts. - Any change in the maximum levels of electromagnetic fields should be preceded by a review of the current state of scientific knowledge concerning the effects of electromagnetic fields on the health of the population and the environment - Anna Ostrowska reserves the press office of the World Cup.
Why are operators so anxious to mitigate the standards? In Poland we have some of the most stringent in Europe, rules governing the acceptable levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF), based on the provisions of the 60s. Over the frequency range 300 MHz-300 GHz, so the bands used by cellular systems, the maximum permissible level of radiation in places accessible to the public is 0.1 W / sq m. In the European Union, these limits are many times higher - for the 900 MHz band limit is 4.5 W / sqm., so it is 45-fold higher for the 1800 MHz band - 9 W / sqm., and for the 2100 MHz band already 10 W / sq m.
- Most of the countries of the Commonwealth applies standards of recommendations resulting from the European Union, approved on the basis of research by the World Health Organization. Alignment of standards with the applicable limit in most EU countries allow for a higher quality of service, eliminating white spots and combating the digital divide - says Cezary Albrecht, director of the department of strategy and regulatory affairs at T-Mobile .
- Align and permitted levels of EMF standards applicable in other countries would contribute to positive change - it supports Arkadiusz Majewski of Polkomtel. Calculates that this would mean a smaller number of base stations built in the vicinity of buildings. It is also possible to use technologies that allow you to reduce the power level of the signal emitted by personal devices, namely modems and phones , which is also associated with less energy, and thus for example. longer battery work on your smartphone. Mobile network coverage arise in places known as white spots. Similar opinions expressed by representatives of Orange and Play. - Mobile operators - within PIIT - took the initiative, which aims to more realistic standards. Will soon be presented to the minister of the environment - says Wojciech Jabczyński, spokesman for the Orange.
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