Noord Ierland: Gedwongen opname en medicatie na protest tegen WiFi op school

vrijdag, 19 september 2014 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron 1: .
28 aug. 2014

N. Ireland parent attempting to protect his children from Wi-Fi forcibly given psychotic drugs — #freeStephenClarke

Voor het volledige artikel en de oproep om hulp zie bovenstaande link. In Nederland zijn ook reeds, voor zover ons bekend, twee ernstig elektrogevoelige personen gedwongen opgenomen geweest. Dat is zeer kwalijk, maar de behandelende medici hebben wel het fatsoen gehad om na protesten de betroffen personen na enkele dagen weer vrij te laten.
In Noord-Ierland is dat anders. Stephen Clarke die protesteerde tegen WiFi op de school van zijn kinderen is nu voor onbepaalde tijd gedwongen opgenomen en wordt tevens gedwongen medicatie te slikken.
Dit roept herinneringen op aan het voormalige Rusland waar politieke tegenstanders ook wel in psychiatrische inrichtingen werden opgeborgen.

Bron 2: .
18 sept. 2014

Father held in psychiatric unit for protesting against wi-fi in his children’s school

A father in Northern Ireland is being held against his wishes in a psychiatric hospital and forcibly given antipsychotics—while held down by hospital staff—because he has protested against wi-fi in his children’s school.

Stephen Clarke has been held at a psychiatric unit in Belfast for around 14 weeks since he mounted his protest against the use of wi-fi networks at his children’s school.
He was held under the Northern Ireland Mental Health Order 1986 after he protested against wi-fi in school by climbing a statue in Belfast and waving a white flag. He is in the middle of a custody battle with his ex-wife over the children.

At the hearing, the judge issued an application for assessment—which has involved him being incarcerated in the Mater Hospital in Belfast—because, in his view, Stephen was “suffering from mental disorder of a nature or degree which warrants his detention in a hospital for assessment.”

He is being medicated with the antipsychotic Abilify (aripiprazole)—also prescribed fo......

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