Canada: Health Canada Manipulates Safety Review of Cell Phone Radiation

maandag, 28 oktober 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

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27 okt. 2013

Health Canada Manipulates ''Independent'' Safety Review of Cell Phone Radiation, Former Microsoft President to Testify

OTTAWA, Oct. 27, 2013 -- /CNW/ - The former President of Microsoft Canada will testify Monday that Health Canada has manipulated the outcome of a safety review of radiation from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi and smart meters.

''We have uncovered documents that prove Health Canada is controlling the so-called 'independent' safety review by the Royal Society of Canada,'' said Frank Clegg, now CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST). ''Health Canada is ignoring the science that explains why some Canadians are getting sick from microwave radiation.''

The Royal Society of Canada is holding the public meeting in Ottawa to hear from Canadians who have developed symptoms such as insomnia, headaches and heart palpitations from everyday wireless devices. Doctors and researchers will also be testifying, and calling for stricter safety measures.

The Royal Society panel reviewing microwave safety has been dogged by controversy. The chair of the panel resigned in July after he was exposed for an undeclared conflict of interest.

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28 okt. 2013

OTTAWA - A safety advocacy group says Health Canada is ignoring science that shows some Canadians are getting sick from using cell phones and other wireless technology.

Canadians for Safe Technology says they've obtained documents showing the government is controlling a so-called independent review of radiation from cellphones, cell towers and Wi-Fi.

The Royal Society of Canada is holding public meetings in Ottawa to hear from people who say they suffer negative health effects from using wireless devices.

Some of the symptoms reported include insomnia, heart palpitations and headaches.

Frank Clegg, the CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology, says the Royal Society's review panel has too many members who are beholden to the wireless industry.

In July, panel chairman Daniel Krewski resigned over a conflict.

Two other panel members were replaced last month when a new chair was named.

In its most recent posting online, Health Canada says a consensus among scientists indicates that radiation from cellphone towers is too low to cause adverse health effects in humans.

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